Oct. 26, 2006

******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV
Kim asked me to let everyone know what happened today because she doesn't have internet access at the rehabilitation center. Over the weekend she was kind of upset because it seemed that with the move and everything else Stacey seemed to decline alot, she didn't even seem to recognize Kim. Today however was a very big day and Stacey surprized everyone including her mom. She started using her arms straighting them out, rubbing her forehead, and pushing her hair back. They put her in a machine that keeps her from falling down hard and helps balance and she stood up and kept her balance for about five minutes, She gave her mom kisses and this time Kim has nurses for witnesses (she acually puckered up and kissed her mom). The big event of the day was when the speech therapist was working with her, she was blowing a horn in her ear to try and get a response. Stacey looked at her and said "QUIT". This is the first time she has spoken a word since the accident and Kim was there to hear it. I want to thank God for all he has done and ask you all to continue praying for us all. Ray
8:30 P.M. Not much to say tonight, they did not have the meeting tonight due to the doctor is on vacation until tomorrow, they will then hold the conference. Stacey was very sleepy today not to much response out of her today, but on the positive note they took the trek out this afternoon, they are going to try and give her a few small amounts of soft food like jello and pudding to see how she does. Tomorrow will try and update to let everyone know how it went. God Bless.
8:30 P.M. Today was a long day, and did not get any answers, but tomorrow will answer all. But tonight I did get a very good response out of Stacey usually before I leave for the evening I usually give her kisses she usually pulls away from me, so tonight I told her it would be good if she would kiss me, which I knew nothing like that would happen, so I reached down to give her a final kiss and she pushed against me and gave me a kiss, I was shocked and wasn't for sure if it was my imagination but I asked her was that a kiss, I said if so give me another one so I reached down to give her another kiss and she pushed against me again and kissed me, I knew I was getting my hopes up but I had to try one more time, I reached down and this time she kissed me it even had a smack to it, this was my best night ever, but we know she is in there this proves she is on her way back to us. Get the prayers a coming another prayer has been answered. Also please say a prayer for the Allen Family Saturday the father and daughter were hit by a drunk driver, they could use a few extra prayers themselves, this family has had a lot of things go on in there life this year already, so please include them along with Stacey. Thank You and God Bless.