November 9, 2008

10:15 P.M.
Well another week hear and gone, we had a really big turn out for the ride-a-thon Saturday, seen alot of new faces and got to meet alot more people that came and volunteered, so many good people and so many stories, it was a really nice day besides it getting colder by the minute. Stacey started her ride at 9:30 and rode her 45 minutes I was surprised with it being as cold I figured she would want to come back early but she did good I was proud of her. Events like this really makes me feel good, I get to get out for awhile and get to talk with other people who have similar problems or in some cases worse than mine, but it is nice to see that the parents are just as I am, that no matter what they do everything in there power to keep pushing there children in all aspects and achieve all they can. These events are really good for me, I know sometimes I talk alot but I found out there is other people who like to talk also, I think this event done everyone some good, not only does it give you some pride because you actually got to help give back, but it gives you inspiration to want to be there more to get to meet more people and hear there stories. Tuesday we finally get to go and see the Dentist hopefully they will set up an appointment soon to pull her wisdom teeth and us not having to wait another two months. Not much to say this week things are about the same no better but no worse, so for this week I will end there. Thank You all and God Bless! Tonight's picture is from the ride-a-thon hope you enjoy!
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