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******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV

Sunday, March 16, 2008

March 16, 2008

4:00 P.M.
Well I made it on time this week, had a few minutes and figure I better take the time before I forgot. Well all went well with Stacey's MRI Wednesday it was early and made for a long day but we survived. Alot in the report I am not sure what it all means but they reported more abnormal then normal on the test I got the report with the copy of the MRI I just have to wait for Dr. Morris to get back with me on it, and I hate waiting but I guess we will see! We have another long week next week horse riding on Thursday and Friday she has an Appointment with Dr. Wright the Nerophy. so it will be another long day but I will be interested to hear what he has to say after seeing her. Stacey had another good ride on her new horse Big Mac this week I really do think this makes a big difference for her when she goes even tho they give her more of a workout than me or the school does, but this way it looks like fun and not work. So really not much to add this week, I did get pictures for you this week of Stacey and her Horse Big Mac hope you enjoy. Thanks you everyone for your continuous encouragement and for your prayers may God Bless you as you have us.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

March 9, 2008

4:30 P.M. I have to again apologize for last week just seems like time flies by so much anymore that I have less and less time to do things. Well Stacey started her horse riding again this week and she was really excited about it, we had alittle trouble of getting on the horse than usual but then again Stacey has a new horse this semester his name is Big Mac he is a Clydesdale he is a really big horse but Stacey seemed to set on him alot better more broader for her to give her an even space to sit on and helps her balance herself better, we will have to learn his name tho she is calling him Chance which was her horse last year. It will take time but she will get it, I figure she would pick up on it pretty fast since it is her favorite food at McDonald's, but it has been awhile since we have been there to with her on this diet we try not to sway to far from it as much as possible! Next week is her MRI I can't wait hopefully this will explain some for us about her headaches. But other than that not much to report for these last few weeks, OH yes there is one Terrific thing she has started doing that has excited me the most in the last 18 months after her accident she has started to call me Mom she still ask me who I am threw the day but after she ask she says Mom this and Mom that when I went to the school Thursday to pick her up for her horse riding her aid was pushing her out the door and I was walking up and she goes HI MOM! I could not have been any happier at that moment not only did she remember without asking she did it in front of someone else, I have been really happy to hear her start calling me Mom it is another gift that I will been treasuring because it is another improvement! Thanks to all your prayers I have received another gift from God! Thank You All, and please continue with your prayers. That is all for this week no picture this week but hopefully next week I can get a picture of her and her new horse and but it on the blog.