8:00 P.M.
Today Stacey had a very eventful day they gave permission for friends and family to come up to see her and everyone started arriving today, it seemed as tho she had enjoyed having visitors but around 3 p.m. they gave her some pain medication and it pretty well but her to sleep, so the ones who came to see her after that got to watch her sleep. But I really think she was glad to start seeing someone else besides her mom and the nurses, we really didn't get the response that we was hoping for but slowly but surely we will. They are giving her a higher protein drink and some other powder supplement to try and get her weight back up, she weighted 111 which means she lost another 4 pounds so hopefully these new protein packs will help. Again they are letting people come up to see her, just try and give me a call first so I don't have to many people at one time. Visiting Hours are from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and on weekends they are from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. my cell phone number is 314-420-2016 in case you don't have it. God Bless.
kim, this is jeff johns (sylvia johns son) this is just a thought i had, but i was thinking next weekend i could come down there and have her administered to and have a few of my friends and i sing a few hymns to her. would it be okay? i would love to see her. i REALLY miss her. and not just over the accident, but ive been wanting to see her for a very long time, even before the accident happened. i hope you see this. if not, then i might call you or have my mom tell andrea to tell you. take care.
You haven't updated in a while. I hope everything is alright. If it's alright I maight call you on Friday. I hope the visits are going well.
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