January 18, 2009

9:45 P.M.
Another week here and gone I apologize for not getting on last week just had so much on my plate and alot to add for this week so I just decided to wait until this week to update. Stacey went and seen the Nero Doctor on Monday and he added to her meds Ray went with me and added some info that we thought that might help to get her off the meds for awhile to see how she does but instead he just shook and nodded his head and added to her meds so much for taking a man along. I just thought he would listen alittle more since Ray was a guy some of those Indian doctors have problems with women and what they have to say, but in this with Ray it didn't help anymore! Tuesday we went up to St John's in St Louis for Stacey's wisdom teeth and she got all four pulled the first day she sleep and the next day she was still alittle out of it but she has been doing better with the meds for pain she is still taking them and staying awake all day mostly typing and playing on the computer, she has complained some about her right side hurting I am not for sure if it is actually from the teeth being pulled or if something else is going on the Dentist said the wisdom teeth came straight out and there was no problems and she should be OK we have been watching her closely tho for any signs of anything but besides her left side hurting and still needing to eat soft foods she is doing good.Not to much more to say tonight or I can not think of anything I will when I finish this but that is the update for now the pictures are from Garrett Birthday Stacey was all for sitting next to him for a picture especially since he had a cake on his lap and the other is of her the day she got her wisdom teeth pulled she was a little swollen, she still is asking when our Dentist app. is she had to ask for so long and know that it has been here and gone she still thinks they need to be pulled because they hurt and I have to keep reminding her that we did have them pulled and then she checks and she says oh OK but my teeth still hurts so we are slowly getting it threw to her! Thanks again for everyone continuous prayers and support, may God Be With You and Bless You as you you do with us.
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