9:30 P.M.
Stacey had a very long day today, she ate all of her supper for me tonight. I gave her a shower tonight and then lotioned her down with her favorite lotion. She seemed to be pretty tired afterwards but I know she felt alot better. Not to much to say tonight will find out tommorrow if everything is still on go for Wednesday. I know alot of people has asked about somewhere closer and I know there is other ones alot closer and we have applied at all of them, but most rehabs have a score that they go threw, most won't take below a three on the scale, and Stacey is still at a one, but I do appreciate every effort everyone has giving to us, for right now tho this is the only place that will take her like she is, it is really hard to explain please just know that we have looked into everything and unfortunally this is our best option for right now, maybe down the line when they get Stacey doing more we will be albe to move her closer. Thank You and God Bless.
(This pitcure was taken the day of the accident)
the picture says 1/7/05... you sure?
I came up at 7:30 Monday evening and stayed for thirty minutes; Stacey was freezing cold; since she cannot push a buzzer to ask for help, we need to be sure they check her for warmth often; she does not weigh enough now to maintain her body warmth I don't think; I have a thermal fleece blanket I want to send with her to Mount Vernon if you will tell the staff the put in on her bed between the sheet and their ridiculously thin and only blanket provided and leave it there. She really needs good covers until she is able to tell people what she needs; my heart goes out to her so strongly; she opened her eyes and looked at me and started sticking out her tongue but I did not know what to do for her. I talked to her and tried to cover her better. I should have rung her bell and gotten the nurses to provide some more warm blankets but I was afraid I would create a fuss; I was so angry about it. I did not want to interfere in what you have going. I am terrified of her being in Mt Vernon with no one to watch over her; we just have to trust in God and pray, but I hate hospitals and do not trust staff to care for anyone I love....sorry....please let me know if I can assist in any way I will....hugs and love, Donna
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