7:00 P.M.
Well another full day for Stacey, she had a lot of people come up to visit her. The friends from Kansas City came up and did a good job of singing to her, she seemed to enjoy it, and with everyone else who had came up, later in the evening she was tired not to much response except for wanting to go to sleep. Doctors say everything is looking good for her as far as her being released Wednesday. I will be going up Thursay and staying the weekend to make sure or convincing myself that this was the right choose, which I know it is, it is still hard to let go. Thank You everyone again for all the support. God Bless.
I am going to try to come up to see Stacey after work tomorrow night, Monday. I should be able to get there before visiting hours end. I hope they will let me see her.
If you had a place to stay in Columbia, would that make it easier for you to get to Mt. Vernon to see Stacey? Let me know that. Is there NOT a Ronald McDonald house in Columbia? I will be trying to figure out something if it would help you. Let me know. Hugs and love, Donna
Please be confident in your decision to take Stacey to Mt. Vernon. You are her mother and have faith in yourself that you are doing what is best for Stacey. You know that you have her best interest at heart. As horrible as it will be to leave her there know that it is a journey you must take to bring her home to you. Put your faith in God and know that everyone is still praying for Stacey. Be strong and you can make it through this. Renee Laune, NHHS
hey kim, this is jeff johns again. can you tell stacey that im sorry for not saying good bye? :( im so shy. tell her i love her and i miss her too please. im really praying that she gets back to normal. or atleast close to normal again. well, i hope you're in a better mood than i am... i havent quit thinking about her since yesterday. ive been really depressed. i hope this ends soon. have a good day tomorrow, good night.
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