January 4, 2009

8:45 P.M.
Well I hope everyone had a good Christmas and a good New Year we had a Christmas, Stacey
got a watch that tells her the time and date and day so she can remember what day and month and time and she got a few money cards and we went up on the 2nd and got her hair cut which it really needed it, she has not had her hair cut for two years so they took alot off due to all the dead ends, but it looks alot better and not so much like a mop like her Moms, afterwards I took her and got her eyebrows and her nails painted and I took her out to eat a couple of times, Stacey has still not been herself alot of outburst and name calling and hitting again, not sure why but it seems to be getting worse, she has even carried it over to taking it to school threatening her teachers and aid, which I am truly ashamed of myself I think I have let her push me around so long that I did not figure it would go any further, I mean I know she has in the past but it was not as bad as it is getting now. I am ashamed for not seeing this was going to become a problem for everyone, I just thought it may have been another faze that she was going threw or because of the meds she is on, and really not knowing how to handle it, but I can not push it off any longer we will be going to see a councilor for her behavior and for me on how to properly handle this, if it is not to late. Hopefully we can get this all straighten out, on the 12th we will be going to the Nero. Doctor and I am going to try and convince him into taking her off the meds for awhile to see if this helps, then on the 13 th she will be getting her wisdom teeth pulled and hopefully after the pain wears off this also will help with some of the mood swings, but we will see how things go! For New Year's we all went to bed at ten not much to ring in this year just crossing our fingers and hope for a good year! Stacey had one visitor over Christmas and that was Christina and Stacey seemed to enjoy her time with her, she came over a few times during Christmas, unfortunately I did not get to see her but once, since Ray has been off work it seems I have been sleeping alot more than usual, I just think alot has started to hit me and my body is shutting down to reload, thanks to Ray tho I think I will be good for awhile but I think talking to this counselor will help me to. Well that is all for this week I will be putting up a few pictures one is of Garrett and Stacey on Christmas eve that I know there was alot of Christmas spirit in the air because she actually sit and talked with Garrett and held his hand and let him sit next to her and was actually pleasant to him and everyone while we was down at Ray's mom for Christmas Eve that for Stacey was a record that had to have a picture taken for me at least, it was nice to see her in such a good mood especially for Garrett any other time she will not give him the time of day. And the other is when I took her to get all pretty ed up on the 2nd, so hope you enjoy the pics. and I will try and get back on next week. Thank You all for your continuous prayers and support May God Bless You and Your Family as you continue to bless us!
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