***WELCOME TO RAYS PAGE***Stacy's Progress***

******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Febuary 25, 2007

8:00 P.M. Well another week gone, sometimes I think time is starting to fly by more and more every day. Stacey has done real good this week, she said something new this morning, I was getting her up and she looked at me and said, where's my food, which she usually says I'm hungry, so this made my morning. Stacey has picked up a runny nose it scared me at first I thought she might have started getting the cold which she is not ready for yet. Fortunately it has just been a runny nose. I have been given her some extra orange juice just in case. As I told everyone before Mrs. Maloney from the New Haven school has been coming out and working with Stacey, she seems to be doing more for her which really gets my hopes up that she is starting to maybe come out of the coma scale she was in, I believe she may have jump a couple levels. I would like to give a special Thanks to the New Haven School District for allowing all who has been part of helping with Stacey since I was unable to get other facility's in here for her. Well I guess that is all tonight. I hopefully will have more information on her MRI Sunday night. Thank You and God Bless.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Feb. 19, 2007

7:30 P.M.
Well another week gone, I am sorry for not posting last night but I knew that I was going to have to update tonight again so I just thought I would wait until I found out. Well we didn't have a successful test last week Stacey did not hold still enough for the MRI to pick up so they will have to make another app. for another one to where they will but her out so they can pick up a perfect image and not have to guess what they have seen. The medicine that the doctor's brought the dosage down seemed to make a little difference, she has said a few words like I'm thirsty, and I want a bite, she is starting to say a few things again it has surprised us but she did these things when some of her friends were here to visit, so I'm not sure if it was the friends or the medicine. We also seen something else going on with her circulation in her hands and feet we called the doctor today and he sent us straight to the emergency room, he thought it may have been blood clots but we took blood tests and it came back negative, the ER doctor thought it probably was from her not moving much, that it was kinda just sitting there instead of moving like someone who is on the go like she use to be. But we didn't really realise that she has slowed down from before, her legs were constantly moving and now they are just moved when she puts them in different positions. I don't know I feel sometimes I'm losing my touch in knowing what wrong, before I was always right on the dot with her, and now I guess I am panicking to much, or I guess worrying to much, it's just so hard not knowing especially since she can't tell us what is wrong, we have to guess and I hate that, I'm scared that one day I'm not going to make the right decision that needs to be done. I guess I will I just second guess myself and I shouldn't do that. Another thing to is I been having really bad dreams lately about her, I guess I am trying to tell myself I'm not doing enough, that I should be doing more. I just don't know what! I guess maybe this is where my second guessing is coming from. Well that is all for tonight until Sunday. Thank You and God Bless.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Feb. 11, 2007

10:15 P.M. Well another week here and gone, Monday night we took Stacey to the emergency room due to she was not acting right I could not get her out of bed and she just was not herself, come to find out or what they are saying was she is getting to much medicine, or I guess I should say her doses are to high so they lowered them, she still seems a little fuzzy but she has started to do a few more things, she has started to give me kisses again, it has been a while since the last time she has given me kisses, she acts like she is learning all over again because she practices puckering before giving me her kiss. She has also started learning to stand better she is still wobbly but hopefully soon she will start taking steps. I would like to Thank Everyone for their offers to help with Stacey, (explanation) I gave up some things for Stacey like the home nursing and other things, our lawyer says everything that we get from the accident from the insurance company will go back to Medicaid but unfortunately it is not going to cover all the expenses that they are asking for, so just in case if they come back on me. I again would like to Thank Everyone for all there support and ideals for fund raisers, but for right now we are making it, and I know that everyone needs there money right now, or there is someone in more need then us. As far as help I am doing really good with Stacey, she is doing her best to help me every day, she is starting to stand and that helps. Plus she is doing more with her exercises in her arm and her whole body since its just been the two of us. And for all those who are worrying about me having time to myself, Ray does make me get out of the house he watches her and makes me go get groceries or just something stupid just so I get out for awhile, he has done a real good job of taking care of both of us, but I think he spoils her when I'm gone, like giving her cookies and things that I try and cut back on with her. but I think its cute because she takes to him more now than before. But again Thank You Everyone for your concerns and your support, and if I do need the help I will ask I promise , but for now I really do think we are doing good. Your prayers has helped us in many ways, God has answered alot of prayers for us. I am really wanting Tuesday to get her that is when they do the MRI, I am really excited to see what they will find if anything. So until Sunday Thank You Everyone and God Bless may he watch over your family's as he has ours.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Feb. 4, 2007

5:30 P.M.
Well it has been a long week, Stacey has been doing a few more things like pointing to things and counting on her fingers, we had only a few bad episodes but other than that she has been really good and really quiet. We have a MRI set up for Feb. 13 to check to see how things are going or I guess I should say healing, this was the toughest thing I had to do, was to get this set up no one wants to even check but I but it to them like this, I was not going to leave them alone until we got another one done because we haven't had one done since a few days after the accident. I have tried to let them now that I want to make sure nothing else is going on because she should be doing alot more than what she is, I know I have not been around all other people who has had head trauma, but the ones I have are up walking and talking and doing alot more then where Stacey is. I just can't figure it out, we are going on 6 Months on the 15th I just think she should be doing more than what she is. But I guess on the 13th I will get my answers. So that is it for now until next Sunday. Thank You and God Bless.