October 29, 2007

8:30 A.M.
Well another week gone, the therapist at school still said Stacey is doing good, they gave her some exercises to do for her legs. Thursday while horse riding we noticed Stacey kept leaning to her right, but after talking to the school we found out that she was having problems with shaking real bad while she tried to walk or other extensive workout on her right side, we are not sure what is going on but we worked more with her this weekend and it seemed to get worse so I am going to make a Doctor's appointment today and try to get her in to find out what is going on, I hope it is nothing, maybe it is just something or another stage she is going threw, but she was really doing good for the longest time so I guess we will see. Stacey has had alot of visitors this week again and she seems to get better with it all the time. Well really not much to say this week it has been a long one tho alot going on I took my grand babies mother Jami to the Doctor's Tuesday and found out her cervix had dropped to a one which means there is to much pressure on it from the babies and she was having contractions they were light so she did not notice, so they but her in the hospital overnight, and started some meds to help stop the contractions, it seems to be helping a little so I may be a grandma sooner than I thought but we are hoping they wait for another four weeks because one is 2'15 ounces and the other is 2'4 ounces so we are hoping they wait a little bit longer, they have but her on total bed rest. so we will see what comes out of that! So to all this week if you can say some extra prayers for Stacey and Jami and for one more Ray Sr they found another infection in his face and will be going in for another surgery on the first, please say extra prayers for him because he has been threw so much that this time he gets better and they will not have to do anymore surgery's on him and he does not have to go threw anymore pain I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You and God Bless.