October 14, 2007

9:00 P.M.
Well another good week for Stacey, it seemed like a long one but the end finally got here. Stacey starts going to school longer tomorrow she will be going from 8:15 to 1:15 they are going to try this first instead of going all day because they don't want to push to much on her all at one time, because she is doing well with them so they are only going to add a few more hours instead of jumping to all day all at once, they want her to continue like coming to school and it not being to much on her all at once. Stacey had alot of visitors again this week, and this weekend the mother of my grand babies came to spend the weekend with us and we got to see the babies move all over the place, Stacey thought Mom was nuts because she was talking to another women's belly she keep shaken her head no at me every time I was speaking to my grand babies, but I couldn't help it they would move around more when I was speaking to them, we had a very good visit, I can not wait until they get here which will be the end of December to the Middle of January but I just can't wait. But back onto Stacey she had another good week at riding her horse Chance she seems to get better and better with her balance on him, I just wish she would have that much when she stands and walks, it has worried me a little this week because she has had or seemed to be more shaky this week than usual, I'm not sure why tho! I still have not heard anything about her eye appointment, which that is another thing that worries me to this last week or I guess I should say the last few weeks she has been closing one eye to read but also she has been reading from the right to left instead of the other way around like usual I am not sure if this is tied in with the shakes this week to or whats going on but hopefully we will get it figured out. But all and all it's been a good week with all of her company and just her having good days in school. So I guess that is all for tonight I am sorry but I am not able to get any pictures on the blog our drive went out on our computer, so we are using a old modem that will not let me download pictures so I am sorry but this is our luck when it comes to anything electronically between lawnmowers, vehicles and now computers, but that don't mean nothing compared to if Stacey continues to keep doing good, I know alot of people have been trying to, how do I but it, not have to much hope because they say that this may be all that Stacey does, she may not ever be able to graduate and she may not ever be able to walk correctly again, and the continuous do not get your hopes to high, but I am sorry I have to keep my hopes high, my hopes and dreams for her is the only thing that has keep me going as long as I have without losing it, we have had a very long road with her and I am proud of as far as she has come and all that she continues to do every day, I can not let my hopes down or my dreams to leave because as long as I have these I keep myself sane to keep pushing her on to do more every day, yes I know it will never be the same, but I am going to push her to get as close as possible, this is my goal and dream! Thanks to all and God Bless.
No one will ever understand all that you have been through - so stay strong and follow your gut instinct and stick to your dreams and hopes no matter what others may say - there is no limit to a mothers love and determination and I think you are doing a fantastic job and are demonstrating a true mothers love and devotion and are in it for the long haul. God Bless and know you are not alone and He can help lift you up and give you the strength you need. That has to be true because otherwise I don't see how anyone could go through and accomplish what all you have done without a strong belief and hope. Hang in there, alot of us follow her progress on your blog even if we don't always comment - our prayers are with you all.
Kim I am so glad that stacey is doing better and that she is able to go to school.. tell stacey that i miss her ssssssooooo much.I cant wait to see her again.I miss you all so much.Stacey is still in my prayers and so r all of you..Love ya all...xoxoxoxo christina
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