October 22, 2007

8:30 P.M.
I am very sorry this is late this week, just alot going on this weekend. It seems as the year goes on there is never enough time in the day to get everything done. Well this has been another good week for Stacey her new aid started Thursday, but I have not had the pleasure it get to meet her yet. PT was going to be there Thursday, but unfortunately she had to cancel due to she had a little one sick, but she will be there this week, so I will get caught up with everything again. We finally got our appointment for her eye's for November the 28th this was the soonest we could get her in, but I can't wait to get done so she can start seeing better without the blurred vision, but again not sure if they can help her or not or if it is or may be one of those things that have to correct it self but we will see. We have plans of going down to Independence Mo. for Thanksgiving to visit and see Stacey's oldest step brother and his family it has been awhile, plus to be seeing other family on my late-husbands side, alot have not been able to come to see Stacey due to distance and work and school so we are going to attempt to take Stacey to them, that is if the weather holds out, I don't want to take the chance if it gets bad with Stacey, due to keeping her warm if the vehicle broke down or anything else, I am getting at that age where I will not drive in winter weather unless I have to, so we will see how the weather holds out. But again Stacey has had alot of visitors this week and her brother Michael is home for a little while so she is soaking all the attention up from him, and Jami my grand-babies mother is here for the week to spend more time with us, so we have had a full house all week, and it has felt really good to have everyone home and all who has come by to visit. Well that is all for tonight will hopefully have more Sunday after visiting with Pt Thursday so until then God Bless.
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