Feb. 4, 2007

5:30 P.M.
Well it has been a long week, Stacey has been doing a few more things like pointing to things and counting on her fingers, we had only a few bad episodes but other than that she has been really good and really quiet. We have a MRI set up for Feb. 13 to check to see how things are going or I guess I should say healing, this was the toughest thing I had to do, was to get this set up no one wants to even check but I but it to them like this, I was not going to leave them alone until we got another one done because we haven't had one done since a few days after the accident. I have tried to let them now that I want to make sure nothing else is going on because she should be doing alot more than what she is, I know I have not been around all other people who has had head trauma, but the ones I have are up walking and talking and doing alot more then where Stacey is. I just can't figure it out, we are going on 6 Months on the 15th I just think she should be doing more than what she is. But I guess on the 13th I will get my answers. So that is it for now until next Sunday. Thank You and God Bless.
I ran across your page and just wanted to say how sorry I am. Your daughter is a beautiful girl.
Hang in there she has one very big thing going for her- her family. It can make the biggest difference.
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