Feb. 19, 2007

7:30 P.M.
Well another week gone, I am sorry for not posting last night but I knew that I was going to have to update tonight again so I just thought I would wait until I found out. Well we didn't have a successful test last week Stacey did not hold still enough for the MRI to pick up so they will have to make another app. for another one to where they will but her out so they can pick up a perfect image and not have to guess what they have seen. The medicine that the doctor's brought the dosage down seemed to make a little difference, she has said a few words like I'm thirsty, and I want a bite, she is starting to say a few things again it has surprised us but she did these things when some of her friends were here to visit, so I'm not sure if it was the friends or the medicine. We also seen something else going on with her circulation in her hands and feet we called the doctor today and he sent us straight to the emergency room, he thought it may have been blood clots but we took blood tests and it came back negative, the ER doctor thought it probably was from her not moving much, that it was kinda just sitting there instead of moving like someone who is on the go like she use to be. But we didn't really realise that she has slowed down from before, her legs were constantly moving and now they are just moved when she puts them in different positions. I don't know I feel sometimes I'm losing my touch in knowing what wrong, before I was always right on the dot with her, and now I guess I am panicking to much, or I guess worrying to much, it's just so hard not knowing especially since she can't tell us what is wrong, we have to guess and I hate that, I'm scared that one day I'm not going to make the right decision that needs to be done. I guess I will I just second guess myself and I shouldn't do that. Another thing to is I been having really bad dreams lately about her, I guess I am trying to tell myself I'm not doing enough, that I should be doing more. I just don't know what! I guess maybe this is where my second guessing is coming from. Well that is all for tonight until Sunday. Thank You and God Bless.
kim -
i read you're blog constantly - sometimes reread - and i hope you keep telling us how YOU feel. it gives us something specific to pray for. i don't interpret dreams, but i know that when i am focused on something with everthing in my being i dream vividly about it. sometimes my dreams portray my greatest fears and sometimes my greatest hopes. just know that everyone that reads you're blog has to know that you are putting your heart and soul into stacy's care and we haven't stopped cheering for stacy to keep fighting - anymore than we've stopped praying for your strenghth to keep up the fight. keep writing your feelings - i know that someone who is 3 months behind you in the same situation could gain alot from seeing what you're going through if they read the blog. you're a strong woman and i'm proud of you and ray for what you're doing and how well you're doing it.
debbie plummer
Just so you know you are all always in our thoughts. Second guessing yourself just comes naturally when you are in the situation that you are in. In the end you will make the right decisions concerning Stacey because you know her better then anyone. Stacey being immobile will bring extra concern but there are some simple things that can be done that may help. PROM(passive range of motion) every 2 hours, as well as just rubbing her legs and arms down with a calming lotion after the PROM exercises may help. There is also a machine that can help with circulation. Basically all it does is pump air into sleeves that are put on her legs. It does this at set intervals that will keep the blood flowing. I have used these personnally and they feel pretty good. If you need anything just call. I could come over and show you some of the exercises if you would like. One concern is if you ever do think that Stacey has a blood clot again in her leg you do not want to rub it just sqeeze her leg and let go while moving down her leg. That is actually what the machine does but it can be done manually.
God Bless,
Loretta thanks for the info. that was the strange part about it all we do move her every two hours from chair to the couch to bed to lie down and then when I am by her she is constantly wanting me to rub her legs and feet she likes it alot, but we had Ray's sister-en-law come down and look she didn't think it was a clot either because there was no warm spots on her legs, but the doctor said it may be somewhere else and he wanted to check to be on the safe side. But thank you for the advise tho and for your help the other night it is really nice to know I have friends to help if I need advise. Thanks Again.
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