Nov. 30, 2006

******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV
6:15 P.M. Well I'm back home I got all six thumbs up for Stacey comming home, they even commended me on what a wonderful job I did with her, they were surprised at all I knew and used towards Stacey, after the meeting I had with all of them today everything they told me made me feel better about bringing her home. Stacey will be coming home Tuesday the 28th we will be going down Monday night and bringing her home Tuesday afternoon. We ask for all who like to visit please try and give us until the weekend before coming over due to we are not sure how she is going to handle the long drive home, plus Stacey is in the fourth stage of the comma scale which means she is very agitated, with calling everyone names and not nice ones either, this is a stage that they all go threw but unfortunately it's its the worse one I think. Stacey has got six more to go threw which may take awhile but slowly but surely we will get threw this. They are going to take out her feeding tube and bump her up from puree food to the real stuff which she should enjoy, plus without the feeding tube it's one less opening for her to get infections in. So unless something else happens between now and Tuesday, I will probably wait until Tuesday before updating the blog. Thank You Again to everyone and hope you all have a very good Thanksgiving. God Bless
8:30 P.M. Today I received a phone call today from Missouri Rehab. were Stacey is, they wanted to give me an update on Stacey. They continued to say that they have seen a lot of improvements in Stacey but to there level Stacey is still considered to be in the Glycose Coma which is the scale they use to find out were she is. To them they seem that besides the talking and other things I have mentioned that she is still not at there standards, she will do things for us but she will not do it for them and in order for them to keep her they need to see more improvements even tho we have showed them the tape of all she was doing for us. They are preparing to send her home until she is more better than now. I know it is really hard to understand, it is for me to but like Ray has told me maybe it is good that she comes home this way we can work with her more since she only does it for us. They have got a hold of some agencies that will be able to help us with beds, chairs and everything that we will need for when she gets here. This is going to be a very long road, but with me and Ray I know we will be able to accomplish a lot with her. I will be going down tomorrow and probably will be staying until next weekend so I can touch base with them and catch up on some of the training I will need for bringing her home.They are saying it will be acouple of weeks before sending her home. I will have Ray try and update for me. Thank You everyone, and God Bless.
8:30 P.M. This was a great weekend for me and very exciting, me and ray got down to the rehab. at 7:30 Friday Stacey seemed to be very glad to see us she started talking right off her first word was Ray then looked around the room and then said Garrett as if she was wondering where he was(Garrett is Ray's son) she keep asking WHY we was not for sure what at the time she was asking, but she kept talking not actually making sentences but acting like she was making up for lost time trying to make a sentence and actually moving to the next before the first was done, if you know Stacey personally she was like this before as far as talking she would talk a mile a minute if you didn't keep up you was lost, I think she was trying to talk like before but I don't think unfortunately her brain was up to all she had to say, Ha Ha! Saturday Stacey had just woke up this was at 9 A.M. they said this was the first time Stacey has slept all night long so they left her sleep in, they said she was actually snoring(Stacey has not slept all night for longer than an hour or so since coming out of the comma)they told me this was a good sign because her brain is starting to process the information she is taking in which means she is more aware of what is going on around her. Saturday she starting make more since of what she said, she kept saying she was fat, and we shortly found out the Why question was about she wanted to know Why she could not go home because she was fine, this came across a lot, we took camcorders and got some footage of her all day Saturday. Today she was even better she was actually focusing on what we was saying because she keep asking why home so we told her about the accident and what happen and how she got hurt really bad and she seemed to actually listen she did not say a word until we got done talking or if we asked if she remembered what we had just said some she actually shook her head yes to and some was a no answer, but you could see that we were actually filling some spaces that where missing for her because she would just stop and it actually looked like a light bulb had come on. We started showing her some pictures of friends and family and what really blew me away was she was saying a lot of there names in the pictures, this started by her saying no ones cares no one come see me but you, so we told her yes many people have come up to see you look at all the pictures from everyone and when I showed her she stared naming names I couldn't get to the pictures fast enough I was so excited. Plus we had to explain that she was not fine that's why she was there to get better, she had to work hard and she could go home, she looked at me and Ray and asked how to work, and she said what as if what do I need to do, so we told her she needed to start walking and to start holding the ball that they give her and to give it back just things like listening, because they had told us she will not hold the balls or anything else and it looked like it may be a problem. But this is the good part she asked where's ball me and ray were a little surprised but we got a ball and gave it to her after some couching we actually had her taking the ball from us and giving it back to us we finally went and got the nurses to have witness they were so amazed at what they had just seen she even did it for one of the nurses, soon after this she started getting upset she finally looked at us and said no ball, I'm fine, get bus we go home Stacey Said Now, she had figured that ok I played with the ball now I'm ok let's go home, it almost made me cry, at the end before we left she was getting very upset because she knew we were not taking her home she would get very upset and say bye go you don't care, and I had to explain again why and then before we left she said bye love you will work hard for home, which made me cry that time but I was able to hold it until I got out the doors. But she is doing so much better I can not get over all the improvements. Thank You Everyone please continue with all your prayers and God Bless.
8:30 P.M. This again has been a very interesting week I have called Stacey every night this week, it seems she is doing better and better every day. I have had the nurses hold the phone so she can talk to me, tonight she told me she loved me to and she is working hard,and she don't like the medicine, this was very exciting to me she is still slurring a lot of her words and sometimes it takes her awhile to answer but she is answering, the nurses said that they had to put her on some antibiotics again due to another infection she was running a temp of 101 today. The nurses said they can not get over how limber she is and all the improvements that she continues to make every day,they said even tho they did not know Stacey before they can understand how she had so many people who care for her, just from what little they have seen they themselves are getting very attached to her. We will be going down this weekend to see her so I will not update again until late Sunday or Monday. Thank You everyone for your continuous support,please continue to keep us in your prayers. God Bless.