7:30 P.M.
Well I have came back home, they are going to make a decision Tuesday. They are going to let me know when, they have said there wasn't much that I would need to know since I have already been threw most of the training. They are not sure which way this will go but they reassure me that I will be giving an advance notice. Stacey was really agitated this weekend, Friday we had her eyebrows done and after three months she was not very happy to have them done, but she started looking like her old self again. We got her up Saturday morning and after her shower we straightened her hair and but makeup on her, again she was not very happy about the whole thing, but she looked really good. I then took her outside to get some fresh air and after walking around she spotted the truck, she said truck home, and I had to tell her no we are just walking and getting some fresh air, she again was not very happy she was wiggling out of her chair as to say fine if you won't take me I will take myself, and I'm sure see would have made it to. After this I had to take her in, again this did not make things any better she was actually screaming no all the way down the hallway. For the rest of the evening she was very upset and I hardly got another word out of her, we even got a phone call from one of her friends that was trying to talk to her about how much everyone missed her, she told her that she needed to work hard and listen to the rehab. people and Stacey got one of her looks and told her FU, full words loud and clear. This was how upset she was her friend did not take this personally, ahe understood that was not really what Stacey meant. Sunday I was able to get some video and pictures of Stacey smiling it took me awhile but after she seen the flash go off on the camera she was all smiles for everyone. I have tried to but a small video of stacey on here for you but for some reason it is not letting me so I will have to use a picture, I will try and write the blog again soon, Thank You and God Bless.
I am so proud of Stacey.I cant wait to see her.I cryed when I seen the picture of her it made me so happy to see her smiling.And Stacey you keep up the good work you are doing GREAT!!!Kim tell Stacey that Christina said hi.
God Bless Christina
Kim and Stacey,
Hey Girls, Great to hear you are coming home. I guess since we didn't get the chance to come and see you before we will see you when you get home. Glad to see you smile. We've been waiting a while to see that. And, I'm glad to hear you are angry. Kim, I know that seems strange but I'm sure you know where I'm coming from. Call me when you can it would be good to hear from you again.
Stacey is looking fantastic! The Union group of friends is getting ready to get a big basket together for her to send down your way. We need to know what we can and can't put in there though. We miss her and can't wait to see her again!
Gotta love her hardheadedness!!!
Love, Stephanie
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