***WELCOME TO RAYS PAGE***Stacy's Progress***

******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Nov. 9, 2006

8:30 P.M. Today I received a phone call today from Missouri Rehab. were Stacey is, they wanted to give me an update on Stacey. They continued to say that they have seen a lot of improvements in Stacey but to there level Stacey is still considered to be in the Glycose Coma which is the scale they use to find out were she is. To them they seem that besides the talking and other things I have mentioned that she is still not at there standards, she will do things for us but she will not do it for them and in order for them to keep her they need to see more improvements even tho we have showed them the tape of all she was doing for us. They are preparing to send her home until she is more better than now. I know it is really hard to understand, it is for me to but like Ray has told me maybe it is good that she comes home this way we can work with her more since she only does it for us. They have got a hold of some agencies that will be able to help us with beds, chairs and everything that we will need for when she gets here. This is going to be a very long road, but with me and Ray I know we will be able to accomplish a lot with her. I will be going down tomorrow and probably will be staying until next weekend so I can touch base with them and catch up on some of the training I will need for bringing her home.They are saying it will be acouple of weeks before sending her home. I will have Ray try and update for me. Thank You everyone, and God Bless.


At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is great to hear the improvements from Stacey with you and Ray. Stacey is a strong girl and she wants to come home. If yu need anything please call.

At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, Well you guys will be able to have alot more time to spend with her and working with her than the rehab, gotta thank God every way you can. Love, Stephanie (Wish I could be there for you guys)


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