March 16, 2008

4:00 P.M.
Well I made it on time this week, had a few minutes and figure I better take the time before I forgot. Well all went well with Stacey's MRI Wednesday it was early and made for a long day but we survived. Alot in the report I am not sure what it all means but they reported more abnormal then normal on the test I got the report with the copy of the MRI I just have to wait for Dr. Morris to get back with me on it, and I hate waiting but I guess we will see! We have another long week next week horse riding on Thursday and Friday she has an Appointment with Dr. Wright the Nerophy. so it will be another long day but I will be interested to hear what he has to say after seeing her. Stacey had another good ride on her new horse Big Mac this week I really do think this makes a big difference for her when she goes even tho they give her more of a workout than me or the school does, but this way it looks like fun and not work. So really not much to add this week, I did get pictures for you this week of Stacey and her Horse Big Mac hope you enjoy. Thanks you everyone for your continuous encouragement and for your prayers may God Bless you as you have us.
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