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******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV

Sunday, August 26, 2007

August 26, 2007

1.00 P.M.
Well another great week, Stacey started school Monday. I took her up for her first day thinking there may be some resistance with me leaving her there, but I got a great surprise, after pushing her into the front door Mrs. Moloney and her aid Mrs. Gaddy was there to meet me at the door, so I reached over and told Stacey, ok I am leaving now so you be a good girl for everyone and she turned to me and said ok goodbye, I was a little sit back by this, I thought I would at least get a don't go or a face or something but there was nothing there she was ready to go to school. And she has been doing really good they say, she is flying threw things and doing good with all of it. Therapy came by Wednesday and they called me saying they had alot of ideals for her and was surprised at all she could do, they will be back in a few weeks and said if she keeps doing as well as she is doing they may try and make more visits then just twice a month. Next week OT and Speech comes and sees her on Tuesday and I am excited to see what they have to say and can do to further her along. But I can see a real improvement in her she is starting to talk to people more without looking away and coming home and talking about everything she is doing at school she really loves it and I am so glad. I am still trying to get use to the three and half hours to myself , but I am able to get some work done around the house which really needed to be done. Well for now that is all for this week, I a picture of Stacey on her first day of school she is using a walker to hold herself up, but unfortunately we have not made to much progress with her taking steps with it she is still not steady enough for it but Therapy from school says they may have some ideals for that so we will see. Thank You all for the Continuous Prayers for Stacey. God Bless.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday 19, 2007

11.00 A.M.
Well this was a very interesting week for all of us, it seems Stacey is stepping up some on talking to people she is starting to talk more and less turning away. To me it has been very exciting. We started Wednesday of with going and meeting all the teachers and her aid for this year, everyone was excited about having her and being positive about all of it, they to was impressed how far she has come the last few months, and Stacey was there and she did talk some for them and did do more than usual with that many people in a room at one time. Afterwards we went to celebrate her one year of making all the improvements she has and for just being alive and well, and she enjoyed that very much. Friday I took her up for a make over having her hair done, and her eyebrows done and having makeup put on, she looked really good they even covered the scares up good she looked like her old self again, and she was even happy after they got done with her hair she said I look good and smiled real big, and even after the makeup was put on she said it again and asked if I had a camera, so I had to take pictures, now for most if that's not my daughter I don't know who is! But I was glad I did it, I do think it made her feel better about herself to. But all and all it was a good week. Stacey will only start school part time until the heat dies down a little and then they will gradually move her to going all day, she is excited so I hope all goes good, but in the mean time after her half day of school I am going to keep taking her to the YMCA and go swimming she likes doing that alot so we will continue that as well as the exercises equipment. I am also trying to set up horse rides for therapy, I know she would love it, and it will be good for her, but so far I have not been able to get one set up but hopefully soon. So for now that is all, I hope you like the new look. Thank You and God Bless!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday 12, 2007

9:10 P.M.
Well another week gone, Stacey has done real good this week as far as her being in a better mood and being more open with me, she still is very curious about everything and still likes to get into everything she can get her hands on. But this week we have moved on to her pulling herself up and putting herself in her wheelchair, she gets really upset with me that I make her do it on her own but I tell her she needs to start doing more on her own because she is starting school soon so she will need to do alot for herself because Mom will not be there for her. I have an appointment Wednesday with Mrs Conner and other staff that will be working with her, but I have to say again that the School has been outstanding with helping me with Stacey, and they are willing to do what ever it takes for her to get all the necessary help that she needs to get on with school and her life. TO THE NEW HAVEN SCHOOL AND FOR ALL INVOLVED WITH GIVING MY DAUGHTER THE HELP AND NEEDS SHE WILL GET I GIVE A GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! You all can never imagine how much it means that someone take interest in helping her besides the Rehabs that didn't even give her a chance, they were looking purely at the money they would make and not about her. I know this task is new for all and this will not be a very easy task because she is not use to all of you, but with all of you I know that she will be doing alot more before you know it, again THANK YOU ALL. Well not much to say tonight Stacey again has had alot of visitors this week and even tho she did not act like it I do think she is getting use to everyone, this pleases me because I am hoping that this will help her adapt to school better. So for this week I guess that is all, Thank You to all who stop and visit and to all for all the many prayers that still go out for her, you all will never know how much you all mean to the both of us for taking time for us in your prayers. GOD BLESS.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

August 5, 2007

8 P.M.
Well this week has been a very scary and has had a very good ending to the week! This week started the same until Wednesday we were going to get out of the house for a while when I pushed Stacey out onto the first level of the porch and she told me push me and I said wait a minute I have to shut the door, with one hand on the wheel chair and the other one shutting the door Stacey decides to push herself with her feet and the wheel chair starts rolling down the ramp I grabbed for it but I was not able to get a good grip, so she continued down the ramp into the driveway, when I am not sure if she put her feet down or what but the wheel chair flipped and she went flying out on her head, I had totally lost it for a little while it was almost reliving the night of her accident all over again. Stacey was out for a few minutes and when she woke up she was not looking straight at me just all around, luckily someone had stopped and helped me she called 911 for me there was another lady there also, I tried to get Stacey to respond like if she was hurt or anything but all the answers were no, it wasn't long before the ambulance got there and started loading here up on a back board and the neck brace and all that stuff that's when I really lost it, I just knew that I had lost her for sure this time, I knew another blow on the head for her was not going to be good, but after a couple hours after they took her of the board and the neck brace she started coming around and the longer we was there the more she was to her normal self, saying she was hungry and trying to pull the IVs out and wanting to go home. To me this was the greatest site for me, after taking a cat scan they seen no evidence of any injury the Doctor said it looked more like she had skidded than took a direct blow, so after six hours we finally come home, and she was glad to be home to, and she did sleep good that night. Thursday we went out to the Washington Fair we didn't get to see much because it was so hot and I was worried about Stacey getting over heated, but she did really good considering the heat plus she got to see a lot of old friends. Saturday we went to the fair again to go see Travis Tritt which was one of Stacey favorite singers it was a really good night, I even got her to raise her hands and do the wave for one of the songs, I was really pleased with her how good she did. And I got to speak with the school they are going to go ahead and take her all day long, there are going to get an aid for her to come to the school, but again this is only for speech therapy and they might move on further it just depends how long it takes for her to open up, but that is why they want her to go all day do to the longer she goes the more they are hoping she will get use to them and do for them what she does for me, I have my fingers crossed this goes well. But again all turned out to be a scary but a very good ending to the week so until next week. The pictures this week are from the fair, hope you enjoy. Thank You To the Lady's who Helped Me Wednesday, and to all who continue your prayers for Stacey. God Bless.