August 26, 2007

1.00 P.M.
Well another great week, Stacey started school Monday. I took her up for her first day thinking there may be some resistance with me leaving her there, but I got a great surprise, after pushing her into the front door Mrs. Moloney and her aid Mrs. Gaddy was there to meet me at the door, so I reached over and told Stacey, ok I am leaving now so you be a good girl for everyone and she turned to me and said ok goodbye, I was a little sit back by this, I thought I would at least get a don't go or a face or something but there was nothing there she was ready to go to school. And she has been doing really good they say, she is flying threw things and doing good with all of it. Therapy came by Wednesday and they called me saying they had alot of ideals for her and was surprised at all she could do, they will be back in a few weeks and said if she keeps doing as well as she is doing they may try and make more visits then just twice a month. Next week OT and Speech comes and sees her on Tuesday and I am excited to see what they have to say and can do to further her along. But I can see a real improvement in her she is starting to talk to people more without looking away and coming home and talking about everything she is doing at school she really loves it and I am so glad. I am still trying to get use to the three and half hours to myself , but I am able to get some work done around the house which really needed to be done. Well for now that is all for this week, I a picture of Stacey on her first day of school she is using a walker to hold herself up, but unfortunately we have not made to much progress with her taking steps with it she is still not steady enough for it but Therapy from school says they may have some ideals for that so we will see. Thank You all for the Continuous Prayers for Stacey. God Bless.
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