***WELCOME TO RAYS PAGE***Stacy's Progress***

******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV

Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27, 2009

11:20 A.M. Hello everyone sorry for not being on in awhile alot going on and not enough time. Today is Stacey's B-day she is 19 Stacey has comes a ways since March we have taken her off all the Meds again and she seems to be a little better the mood swings are still in play but not as bad, I took Stacey up and got her hair and eyebrows done today, but that is all we get to do today don't have much to spend this year. We are going to attempt to put Stacey back in Mount Vernon again the 1st of July she will be up there for a month we got our fingers crossed that all goes better this time, she has been doing good as far as walking it still is taking us awhile due to she still has not been able to retain her balance while walking but threw school and us she will be riding the regular bus this year she has practiced hard on doing steps, and since she has been looking at her pictures of the pageants she is looking forward to going to Mount Vernon to help her walk, she asked me if she came home and walked in, if I would but her back in pageants again and I said yes we would work on it. So we will see how things go I will not hold my breath because of every time we put her in she declines or does not accomplish much but since her attitude has changed I am hoping for something this time. I will try and update again when she comes home in August and we will see where we are at. Thanks again for all support!!!!!!!