September 20, 2008

6:00 P.M.
I am very sorry for not updating last week alot going on and just wanted to wait until I got some more answers. Last week I took Stacey to the Nero Doctor (Tuesday) did not get very many answers from him, he did ask if any one had checked Stacey spine or hips in the last year or so and I said she has never been checked due to all of the apparent problems was from the mid waist up, he told me that if we have been walking her as much as we say that Stacey should have been up and walking by now, he said he has not done a true inspection of her MRI's and CAT Scans but from what he briefly seen that even with the damage that she should have been up and walking! We went back Wednesday for him to run a EEG to look at the brain waves and what is working and what was not, no answers yet! But I had told him about the mood change that she had been going threw and how quickly they come on and he did get a good example, she was just sitting there and answering some of his questions which I had to explain what he just said because he has the Indian accent so I was asking her a question and she told me she hated me and then looked at the Doctor and told him if she had a gun she would shoot me, and it went down hill from there. He is trying to give her seizure meds he thinks that she may have a electric imbalance and with these meds it may help her get back on balance, at first I thought maybe it may be working but the names and the constant kicking and slapping is getting worse! I just do not understand everything was going well, I am not sure if this is another Stage or what, she has even refused to horse ride this last two weeks which we have got her on but she has been even arguing with them and demands to get off, this just hurts me to see her like this, we have been threw this once I did not think we would have to go threw it again! I have tried everything from spending extra time to being extra nice, to even trying to ignore her when she starts getting mean so far nothing! Can not get her in to the Endro until October 31st blood test came back normal, so they are not going to get her in any sooner! Wisdom teeth are still coming in can not get her in for just consult until November 11th! I am not giving up everyone says I need to do something if nothing else put her back in Rehab. because she can not keep hitting on me that she may hurt me, I am sorry I disagree I made the mistake of putting her into this last Rehab and she got worse, there are answers to what is going on I just need to find them, I have been threw worse beaten then what she gives me and that was for 17 years so hers is nothing, I just can not give up I have to get these answers, I have to find out what is going on, if I don't no one else will fight for her, they will let her decline until she is nothing and we have come way to far to give up now! Stacey had visitors last night she started off really good with them it was almost a good thing for her but then it started going south she started calling me names and then started turning on her visitors, well it was nice while it lasted! So for this week that is all maybe next hopefully better news or answers!!!!! Tonight I ask for extra prayers not only for us but for Ray and his family there father Ray Sr. was diagnosed with terminal cancer 3 months ago and the last two weeks has been very hard and trying time for them, so please say extra prayers that they all have the strength to continue with this with there father until the time comes when the lord calls for him. Ray Sr. set up this blog site for Stacey and everyone so they could keep being updated, again please say extra prayers for him and the family! Thank you to all who continue in your prayers and all the kind words and the advise, you all will be in my prayers as well for all your kindness!