July 26, 2008

10:00 A.M.
Well I was able to get Stacey into Rusk Rehab. they called me Tuesday and asked if I could bring her down Wednesday and so I did. Stacey seemed to take it really good while we was there, after signing some papers and getting settled in she whispered to me that she was hungry and at that same time they was bringing her a tray of food in she looked a little surprised but she started right in on it, and then she seen she had her own remote to the TV but we had to tell she had a roommate so she had to share but I don't think that sunk in, and her bed had buttons for up and down so she was already adjusting. I didn't stay long because I knew the longer I stayed the harder it was going to be for me to leave I was already crying while putting her things away in the bathroom, so I told her we were leaving and she started to get up and I said no just us(my sister and nephew and son was along) so she laid back down and said OK go. That was hard on me but I have been calling twice a day I am not getting her talk to much to me except for I don't know why Mom put me in this hospital something must be wrong with me but I don't know what and all I do is sit in my wheelchair. It gets to me, I am going down Sunday and spending the day with Stacey and going to stay and see the Doctors and Therapist Monday to see how all is going and make sure she is doing everything to her abilities and not playing them, I really want this to work, I am just so scared that it is going to be another failure, but I am going to give them every benefit of the doubt and cross my fingers and talk to everyone Monday and hope this time she will work with them, and they will work with her! It is so quite here I am not use to all this time on my hands and not hearing Stacey call Mom every five minutes, but I know I need to let this happen and start letting her go and her start getting use to other people besides me, so hopefully I can go down this weekend and put my mind at ease and try and not to worry as much. Well that is for this week I will try and write next week to let everyone know how it went! Thanks to every one's continuous support and there continuous prayers and Thanks to a very special person that is helping me this weekend you will never know how much your continuous support for me and Stacey means, just talking with with you is prayer from above may Gods blessing always shine on you as you do us! And also to everyone else who has giving continuous support and prays may God bless you also as you bless us. Pictures are from Rusk!