5:00 P.M.
Well I made it back this week finally, after missing last week, I am kinda ashamed of myself after last week. Sometimes I am not sure if the blog is good for me or not, I just jump in with both feet without thinking, it's kinda like my fingers just continue to write without my mind stopping to think of what I just said! Yes it has been a long road for me and Ray and it will continue to be a long road maybe for the rest of her life, I don't know neither do the Doctor's or anyone else. Sometimes I just get to rapped up in all that is happening and feel like I am the only person that this is happening to and that no one else goes threw this, but I surely do get reminded that I am lucky, yes it has been a very long and difficult road but there are many family's out there that deal with more serious issues with there
children every day life and death
issues, and I stop and cry when my daughter is making improvements but just not to my liking or not fast enough for me, sometimes I feel small when I do things like I did last week and then get reminded how lucky I am compared to
alot of family's who go threw
alot worse than me for years and years of not knowing or knowing that there
children only have months to live and have to wait for that day to come. It just makes me want to stop and slap myself for being so vein like I was last week. So I am sorry for my outburst last week it was uncalled for and I will try and keep these things in mind before I start thinking of myself again or my petty problems!
We went out to the Exceptional Equestrians ranch today for a
picnic for all the
volunteers that donate so many hours of there time and we got to meet
alot other family that has there children ride also that we don't get to meet every day especially the new ones that have joined this year, it was a very good afternoon. Exceptional Equestrians is having a fund raiser at the
Robller Winery in New Haven on 6/14/08 it is called Wine, Dine and Whinny Entertainment is by Gary
Sluhan and the food is catered by B&B BBQ and the Wine is also included for a donation of $50 per person it will be a very great event for couples or if you can get groups together this will go for a great cause and you get to have a great night out also with a silent auction at the end of the evening with many things to bid on or if you would like to donate something for the auction or just donate if you can not come to the event just call me at 573-237-2170 and I will get with you to set you up for the event or just call for more in depth information of donations or anything else to Exceptional Equestrians at 636-390-2141. Well I guess that is all for tonight, the picture tonight is of this week of Stacey and her cousin Jake on Big Mac again turning his head for me, I will get one of him he just doesn't know it yet. Thank You all for the support in your words and in your prayers, I really believe that if not for all of you that I myself would have not made it this long with Stacey as far as staying strong, and for Stacey with her and her improvements, I can never Thank All Of You For Being Strong for Me and Stacey with your thoughts and prayers Thank You and May God Bless All Of You As You Have Us.