February 24, 2008

Well we are back again sorry for last week I had been wrapped up in alot of paper work and phone calls for Stacey last week and seemed to just lose time at the end of the day. Stacey has finally got her appointments made for the MRI is March 12Th at 6 A.M. and for Doctor Wright for her Evaluation is March 21 at 8 A.M. Hopefully we will get some answers, of course I never have to much faith in the Doctor's and there answers anymore, most is left up to we will see and the Good Lord, but maybe this time we will get answers about her headaches and other small problems we are having with her. Stacey starts horse riding again in March I think her first session is March 5Th and she is looking forward to going back she has talked about her horse Chance every since we stopped riding in November, so hopefully maybe she will get back to her self again when she starts riding again. I now we were seeing alot of improvements with her when she was riding but it seems we have started backsliding since then, I am not for sure if it had to do with her riding or not but I guess we will find out when she starts riding again. I had the grand babies this weekend all to myself, and Stacey was not very happy with them being here but I tried to involve her as much as possible but she would not have anything to do with them she just wanted me and me only no babies involved while I was trying to do anything with her I had to be by myself. Sometimes I worry I know I have been there all her life and even after the accident and now, but I was hoping with school and all the other activities that she would feel that she could separate herself from me some, but it seems the more she is away the more she clings to me, this worries me alot, I am really hoping Dr. Wright will have some answers for me because she needs to open up to other people and feel comfortable with other people and just not me, and I have tried so hard and school had tried and they work with her but she just will not open up to anyone like she does with me. I am sorry I am wining again just wish there was more out there for Stacey, alot of resources just not willing to take her, and it is in my eyes shameful that there is many people going threw the same things I am with there children coming to a dead end with no light at the end of the tunnel. Someday tho we will get it figured out and when I do, I believe I will wright a book so maybe it will help and encourage some one else so they will have more answers than what we was given, and have hope because I know now it seems there looks like there is no light at the end of that tunnel but there is we just have a long walk to reach it BUT WE WILL there is no doubt about that. Well that is all of my wining tonight. Thank You all For Everyone and Your Continuous Prayers if Not For All of YOU we would not be were we are today Thank You all and please continue with your prayers alot going on in my life also that needs to have the Lord give me some peace with so this week please pray for me also along with Stacey so I can continue to be Physically and Mentally able to continue to take care of her Thank Again and God Bless.