September 23, 2007

9:25 A.M.
Well this was another interesting week, Stacey again has done well with school. She also started horse riding this week the company's name is Equestrians and the owner is Laura Genes I think I spelled her last name right. If you should know anyone that could use the extra therapy please give Laura a call she can do wonders with those horses, and I have meet alot of people who bring there children there and what a difference it has made her number is 636-390-2141. But as you can see from the pictures Stacey was having alot of fun plus Laura said she did really good for her first time, she said with Stacey doing so well we would make alot of accomplishments with this, oh by the way the horse's name is Chance. But all and all it has been a good week, Stacey got on the phone going threw her numbers and making phone calls to people last night, it wasn't very long conversations but she was talking to them, which to me was another good sign, I haven't seen her wanting to do so much in one night as last night. But again we started giving her Benderall because she has a cold going on and we are hoping it stays right were it's at, the doctor said if she does not clear up by next week to make an appointment because she is prone to infections so we will cross our fingers and hope this kicks it in the butt. But what I started to say with the medicine it should make her tired but it does just the opposite on her it actually acts like a stimulate for her so she does more, the Doctor's look at me weird when I tell them that but it is the truth, even with sleeping medicine she does just the opposite on so that is why I had to take her off of them. But we had a great week and a great ending to a great week. And to all of her friends who continue to stop by to see her Thank You I really do think this helps, I know since she has been in school she has made a big turn around from turning away from everyone to actually making conversation with them, school has really made a big difference for her. I am hoping this time next year she will be able to do regular school work and be able to start school and graduate in three years at least this is my hopes. But all who stop by and see us I would like to Thank you also, and to all who continuously view the blog and all who continue to say all the prayers for not only Stacey but for everyone else that I have put in the blog without you and your prayers Stacey may not be here today and she may not be continuing her progress and for all the extra prayers I have asked for I am sure they would they to along with us would like to give a big Thank You for you have made a big difference in our lives also, again Thank You and May God Bless You and Your Family as you have all of ours.