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******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV

Sunday, September 23, 2007

September 23, 2007

9:25 A.M.
Well this was another interesting week, Stacey again has done well with school. She also started horse riding this week the company's name is Equestrians and the owner is Laura Genes I think I spelled her last name right. If you should know anyone that could use the extra therapy please give Laura a call she can do wonders with those horses, and I have meet alot of people who bring there children there and what a difference it has made her number is 636-390-2141. But as you can see from the pictures Stacey was having alot of fun plus Laura said she did really good for her first time, she said with Stacey doing so well we would make alot of accomplishments with this, oh by the way the horse's name is Chance. But all and all it has been a good week, Stacey got on the phone going threw her numbers and making phone calls to people last night, it wasn't very long conversations but she was talking to them, which to me was another good sign, I haven't seen her wanting to do so much in one night as last night. But again we started giving her Benderall because she has a cold going on and we are hoping it stays right were it's at, the doctor said if she does not clear up by next week to make an appointment because she is prone to infections so we will cross our fingers and hope this kicks it in the butt. But what I started to say with the medicine it should make her tired but it does just the opposite on her it actually acts like a stimulate for her so she does more, the Doctor's look at me weird when I tell them that but it is the truth, even with sleeping medicine she does just the opposite on so that is why I had to take her off of them. But we had a great week and a great ending to a great week. And to all of her friends who continue to stop by to see her Thank You I really do think this helps, I know since she has been in school she has made a big turn around from turning away from everyone to actually making conversation with them, school has really made a big difference for her. I am hoping this time next year she will be able to do regular school work and be able to start school and graduate in three years at least this is my hopes. But all who stop by and see us I would like to Thank you also, and to all who continuously view the blog and all who continue to say all the prayers for not only Stacey but for everyone else that I have put in the blog without you and your prayers Stacey may not be here today and she may not be continuing her progress and for all the extra prayers I have asked for I am sure they would they to along with us would like to give a big Thank You for you have made a big difference in our lives also, again Thank You and May God Bless You and Your Family as you have all of ours.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 15, 2007

7:30 P.M.
Well another week here and gone but this week has been a very interesting week for me. Stacey has been doing still great at school, I went up Thursday to visit with PT and they were happy with all she has and still is accomplishing with the school, again there were amazed at how much we have accomplished with her ourselves. Then I took Stacey out to Exceptional Equestrians here they help ones like Stacey with horses, the owner Laura was pretty well full, but she is going to fit Stacey in, which I thought this was great because we can start working on her balance more and her stability with holding things and being more steady with her movements. I stayed for an hour to watch and what they do with these kids is very amazing, I got to speak with some of the parents and some have been bringing there kids there for two or more years and what they were telling me about all the improvements there children have made, it just gave me even more hope for Stacey. Stacey even enjoyed watching the horses she was ready to ride then, and I told her she would have to wait but she seemed to be excited about it, but we will see what happens next week! Then I had the pleasure of being invited to Ladies night at the Baptist church here in New Haven Friday night on these nights they pick people to give testimonials of things in there life that has been miracles, I had the pleasure to here Jan Everett about her son Joey who had hit a cow in the middle of the road and he was ejected from his car with severe brain damage more worse than Stacey's, but to set and listen to Jan it brought so many memories back, but unfortunately after four years taken care of him she lost him from him from being ill, but she did her best and prayed every day hoping for the best, and even tho you could see how much she misses him she is at peace because she knows he is in a better place. But this was not her first child she had lost, she lost her daughter at the age of four. To me Jan gave me alot of inspiration and even a new light to my situation with Stacey, I am not sure that I could be so amazing as Jan if for some reason three years from now I would lose Stacey, but as she gave me a hug she told me to be grateful because I still have her and she is improving, that hug and those words from her will set with me for as long as I live! It seems that I am always worried about this and about that I am always scared what tomorrow will bring or what will happen, just worry, worry, and worry. But I need to stop and enjoy the time I have with her every moment because she may be here for the next 80 years and tomorrow something may happen where she will be gone, but all I can do is pray and leave it in Gods hands, he will do what is best for Stacey. Thank You Jan and to the Baptist church for inviting me it was a very inspirational evening.
Stacey had alot of friends stop by this weekend to see her, so the picture this week is of some who stopped by.
Thank You All For Everything Prayers, Visits, and even the Comments . Stay close to the ones you love, make sure every day they know how you feel, and let them tell you how they feel, make time in your life for those ones, it only takes seconds and they could be gone. God Bless and Watch Over all Your Families and may he be as Supportive of you as You all have been for me.

Monday, September 10, 2007

September 10, 2007

4:30 P.M.
I am very sorry this is late this week, but I just lost track of time last night and needed to get to bed to get Stacey up early this morning for a shower. The school still continues to say Stacey is still doing well in school, I will be going up Thursday to meet with PT to see where we stand with what is needed to be accomplish. I don't know sometimes, it is really good that she is able to go to school and get everything she needs to further her skills. It just seems hard for me sometimes because she will still ask me who I am, and what my name is, and I continue to show pictures of her dad to her but still no memory from the past there yet which really worries me, she has accomplished alot in her life in a short period of time, but she may not ever remember them, especially things like what her father told her before he passed away. Her pageants, her being in school in Choir and in Cheer leading, old boyfriends, all her close friends what she did and how much she had fun with all of them. I started an album for her starting a few years before her accident until now, and will continue to add to it so maybe someday these may trigger something for her, if not at least she will have something to make memories of. I know it will take awhile and she will go on hopefully and make many new ones, but it is something about the past that will haunt her if she does not remember, but we will continue in letting her know every day how lucky she is to be here today and what a blessing it is the progress that she is making even with it being slow it is progress and that itself is a TRUE BLESSING. Tonight I would like to ask for extra prayers for Debbie Plummer here in New Haven, which she is Ray's sister and I consider her to be a very good friend who has been by mine and Ray's side to do what ever to help with Stacey, but now she needs some extra prayers, about a few years ago Debbie found out she had a brain tumor and they went in and got some of it, but was not able to get it all, and she has found out that it is growing again and she is going up to St.Louis five times a week for chemo therapy it will probably last for a few months, I ask for all who are so kind to me in saying prayers for Stacey to please say extra prayers for Debbie she is a very wonderful person, and with all the extra prayers I know that it will help her stay strong threw all of these treatments, and that these treatments will shrink or at least stop the growth, I have faith thanks to you all my daughter is making progress and everyone who I have asked for extra prayers for have made progress also. So please again say those extra prayers for Debbie I know we will see her soon back to herself again. Well that is all for tonight Thank You for all the Prayers and Concerns and even for the extra ones. May God Bless Your Family as You Have All of Ours!!!!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

September 2, 2007

9:00 P.M.
Well another great week for all. Stacey is really enjoying school, she still is coming home talking about her day. Hopefully soon this will turn into an all day for her, I think that she is doing so well in soaking everything in the longer she has the more she absorbs, but yet I still don't want to push to much to were she will not like it anymore. But I really don't think that will happen. I got to speak with Mrs. Gaddy today at the store and she gets saying how good she is doing on like puzzles and other therapy things they do threw the day, she says she is doing really good. I am glad she is enjoying it so much it is almost watching her start school as usual but only this time she is going to get the therapy to start helping her to get back on track so she can start doing school work again, hopefully that will not be to far off in the future. For now I will take what I can get which is the greatest thing ever, I will never be able to Thank the School and all who has pushed this forward to get her started again. Some times I wonder if she really understands what is really going on but I got my answer Thursday, I have been talking to Stacey about her older brother and his girlfriend having a baby, which we soon came to find out they were twins so all week I was telling Stacey that I was going up with Rusty and Jami to find out if they were boys or girls, so Thursday morning I took Stacey up a little early than usual so I could make the appointment with them and I told Stacey OK you have a good day and I will pick you up later, so she stopped and asked where are you going, and I said remember I am going up with Rusty and Jami, and she goes oh to find out whether there girls or boys and I just wanted to start crying, but I answered her and said yes that's right. This really made my day and made me feel a little better about where this is going for her. Oh by the way I did find out I will be a grandma of two baby girls. Which makes me need to push a little harder on Stacey, because I will have more on my hands, hopefully Stacey will be at least walking by the time January gets here, but again I am always rushing but I know she has it I just need to keep pushing her, but then again I don't think I will be doing to much pushing because she sees everyone at school walking and moving around so I don't think it will be long. Well not to much of anything else this week still waiting on Pt and Speech to give us some ideals, so until next week Thank You For the Continuous Prayers. God Bless. The picture tonight is of Stacey and her brother Michael who came over to see her this week.