June 22, 2007

6:30 P.M.
Well another week here and gone, I received another phone call today from MRC they were not able to find another Rehab. that would take her on a Day Program which I had already knew.I have done alot of soul searching this last week, and a friend had reminded me of something that she left on the comment blog, which it wasn't directed at me but it did get me to do alot of searching for myself and for Stacey. The last blog I left was rude of me in alot of ways rude to alot of people. The comment on the blog got me to soul searching because it was about being wrapped in our own life and forgotten the little things and people around us, I had never thought that I would have forgotten that so soon after Stacey's accident because I myself did leave a note to everyone else in a blog about this, and I have went and done it again, as I wrote in the blog last week I keep referring to me, but really it wasn't, yes I had some to do with Stacey's recovery and Stacey had some to do with her recovery, but I missed alot of other people who also had alot to do with her recovery and I would like to take the chance now to apologize to all of you.
To Ranken and MRC I am not aware of your procedures and protocols but I know you did all you good do in your means to help Stacey, but just maybe in the near future you all can chance some of your procedures and so called protocols to do more for ones like Stacey, instead of just offering Nursing Homes, offering more time and assistants to them because these are the people that you will receive your true accomplishments and your reputations. I apologize and would like to Thank You, if nothing else you have given me a month to reboot and get back to energizing myself for my continue task ahead of me.
To all the many all over the world who has prayed the so many prayers day after day and night after night I would like to apologize to you, if not for you I may not have my baby girl today or she may have turned out to be just a shell in Stacey's body, but she has survived and is heath and is making progress every day even tho it may be slow she is continuing the improvements, so I would like to Thank all of you for your prayers because I believe you have been a big factor in her recovery also so THANK YOU!!!!
To all her friends and there family's I would like to apologize, because of your continuous efforts to come and visit her, even tho it was hard you continued to come back and visit, and it may have not seem much at the time, but you all to have played a big factor in her recovery and I would also like to THANK YOU!!!!!
To Rays' family I would like to apologize, do to your continuous support with me and Ray with Stacey you all have played another big factor in Stacey's recovery, and I would like to THANK YOU!!!!!!
And to the school and Mrs. Moloney I would like to apologize if not for you Mrs. Moloney, things may not have started to piece together, and for your continuously pushing her and being just as stubborn as she was you got threw. I just wish I would have gave you more time with her, but I also would like to THANK YOU!!!!!!! And hope to see you start back up with her in a few months.
And to my final person the one true person that has been by my side threw all of this, my best friend in the world Ray, I owe you the biggest apology. We have been together for six years and he has been by my side all these years even threw alot of things that I probably would have left him along time ago because I would think he was nuts, but I'm not sure maybe that's what he thinks of me.(Joke) But he has been there for me especially these last 10 months even tho he has had continuous health problems in his own family he has made time for all, not only has he been there he has been there spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially. He has came home after working long hours and said ok my turn and send me somewhere to get me out of the house, he to has played a big factor in alot of her recovery to being stubborn also and getting her to do things I ran out of energy on. But he continues to be the biggest contributor to me and Stacey, and I have to say I think the lord was looking out for me six years ago, because without him I really don't think I would have made it this far, Ray THANK YOU.
I have been offered three great jobs that I have not had in a very long time and I was very excited, I thought just maybe I could work and still have time for all my plans for her to, but after doing more soul searching, I knew this was not a option because soon work would take all my devotion and Stacey would be but to the side, just like if I would have agreed to but her in a nursing home, that is not my goal, my goal is getting Stacey up on her feet and back to her life. So I declined my offers it was really hard, but yet I felt a peace in me that I haven't felt in a long time. We are going to try and get financial aid threw the YMCA to continue with her daily Rehab. I believe with the pool and the Gym and some of the exercise equipment we just may be able to pull this off and get her on her feet, I really believe this in my heart. But again I apologize and I greatly appreciate every one's effort in my daughters recovery and again would like to say THANK YOU.
I will post on the blog next Friday and let everyone know about our trip home and about her dental surgery on Friday so until then God Bless.
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