June 3, 2007

9:00 P.M.
Well it has been a long week, I got Stacey down to Mount Vernon ok, she talked the whole way, she was talking about if she looked cool in her glasses, which she had some sun glasses on and I told her yes she looked cool, and then she told me well take a picture then, so I pulled over and took a few pictures of her, I will put one on the blog tonight for you, and she told me she was going to need braces for her teeth soon, which really made my day because these were old memories coming back, but yet it made me more sad to know she was talking more. MRC was really glad to see Stacey they also was surprised by how far she had come since the last time they seen her in Nov. It was really hard to leave from up there, but I made myself leave early so I wouldn't start getting to attached again, I was trying to do there job for them so I knew it was time for me to leave. It made for a very long drive home. The first day they had problems with her not eating or drinking for them, but that didn't last long she finally gave in, and each day she has started doing more for them, they say every once in a while she will try and pull the stubborn act on them put she soon finds out that don't work as well as it did with mom. Today they even got her to go to the bathroom on the toilet which I was glad to hear. It just hasn't been the same around here I am still getting up every morning and checking on her, you would think after the second day I would have got use to it but I'm not. But all and all everything is looking good for her, I'm hoping that she continues to do well with them it will make me feel more at ease that I did the right thing for her this time. I will have to go up and get her on the 28 th of this month for the dentist appointment on the 29 th, her birthday is the 27 th but we will have to celebrate it a day late, I will just be glad to see her and be with her, it's really hard to be away from her, but like I said hopefully this will turn out for the best. Thank to all who commented last week it is nice to here from all of you from time to time, it gives me that extra push that I need from time to time so again THANK YOU! Well I guess that is all for tonight, I will continue with the blog but I still will keep the updates on a weekly bases, it gives me more to talk about. And to everyone THANK YOU for all the prayers. May God Bless Your Family as you have mine with your comments and your prayers.
I was just wondering if there was an address where we could send Stacey birthday cards. I don't know if she is allowed to get mail where she is. My family would like to send her some to let her know that even though we don't know her personally that we still think about her and pray for the best for you all.
One of Adam's cousins
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