Friday, June 15, 2007

12:00 A.M.
Well as we continue into our 10 months with Stacey, MRC in MOUNT VERNON, MISSOURI HAS FAILED US AGAIN!!!!!
I received my conference call on Wednesday with MRC and they had advised me that they are sending Stacey home when I go and get her on the 28th of this month. There reason, they know she has the ability to do everything she needs to do, but she is not willing to do all them, so until she complies she will need to be sent home OH! I'm sorry they didn't want to send her home, they thought it best for ME that she be sent to a nursing home, OH! but that soon changed when I said NO NURSING HOME. Then it was in her best interest to go to a nursing home so SHE could get the continued rehab. that she needs, so I asked, I didn't know that nursing homes had the equipment that is needed to get Stacey back up on her feet and walk! There reply most are not but there is a couple that go beyond nursing home care and give her daily therapy range of motion and so on! Then they point the finger at me saying she needs the therapy and I need to make sure she gets it! My reply to all of this was, I love my daughter with all my heart, my daughter will not see the inside of a nursing home even the ones that go beyond, and it is NOT ME THAT IS NOT GIVING HER THE REHAB SHE NEEDS, it is all of you so called TBI facility's that is refusing her the rehab. because she is not use to all of you and refuses you, and in a two week period you can make a judgement of lets throw her in a hole and let her rote.
To all and MRC my daughter has never been a strain on me, my objection is to get her on her feet so she can hopefully one day go on with her life, you company's that say we are here for you and your daughter let us help, and when I do you then turn around and you have the balls to point the finger at me! WHEN YOU ALL REFUSED TO TREAT HER I AM THE ONE THAT BROUGHT HER HOME AND MADE HER STRONG, I AM THE ONE THAT WENT THREW ALL THE PAIN AND FEARS AND SWEAT WITH MY DAUGHTER TO GET HER WERE SHE IS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!
But that is still not good enough, well that is OK you know why? Because this makes me even stronger than before, I don't need any of your so called help, I will get my daughter up myself and get her walking and eating and talking and everything that she will need to do TO GO ON WITH HER LIFE. But let me guarantee you this, when I do all you so called TBI facility's just better watch your backs, because I will be making a big deal out of this from News Papers to News Stations, right now I am one mother that is totally pissed, I never asked for much, I was even willing to take what ever I could get, but I couldn't even get that. All I got was buried under more bills and OH I'M SORRY but we couldn't help BECAUSE WE ARE TO LAZY!!!!! OH! But get this MRC is a behavior facility, they are suppose to help get threw the behavior problems but guess what they can't help!But the thing that amazing me the most is a small town school with a teacher named Mrs. Moloney came in here and worked with Stacey an hour a day even tho she wouldn't look at her and even tho she refused to do what Mrs. Moloney asked, it took three weeks and Mrs. Moloney got her to start doing things for her even looking at her and working with her, yes Stacey was stubborn at times but that did not stop a small town teacher from working with her, and this is the kicker Mrs. Moloney does not have a PHD, but she was smart enough, and willing enough to stay with Stacey and not give up on her! I just wish that I wouldn't have wasted my time with all these facility's, because I know she would have been alot further along than were she is now. And this next school year I will ask for her to come back, because I have that much trust in her and the school to help me again with Stacey. But don't that make you wonder, who is trying and who is throwing in the towel?
I am sorry if tonight's comments has offended any of my readers, I apologize! I have just had my fill of TBI facility's and doctor's, I never asked much from any of them just a little help to get my daughter back to her going on 17 year old life, and all I can get is empty promises and a desk full of bills. May God Bless You and Your family's that you all never have to go threw all of this, But as God is my witness I will get my daughter back, and I will complete the task of getting her back on her feet.
GOOD FOR YOU KIM, you tell them worthless people where to go. We are thinking about you guys all the time. I go by your house all the time when I go take care of my dad. I don't know what your going threw, but I do know about the Dr. that don't care. We found out about my dads cancer 4 mounths ago and we still are waiting to get treatment, cuz they keep sending us to someone eles. So I feel for you. You have done so good with Stacey. JUst keep up the hard work. If you ever need anything just let us know. You can call Monica, I think you have her number. This is Donna Monicas mom. Well we love Stacey and god bless you and your family.
i'm a little delayed on reading the latest blogs - i just wanted to tell you i'm sorry i didn't read it before we got together last sunday - i was so absorbed in my trip that i didn't even notice you were going through something this big. i'm really sorry. looking back at the past blogs i found it most interesting that mt vernon was impressed when you brought stacy back because she had improved so much, yet two weeks later they couldnt help her. guess that does prove where the REAL help is coming from. i know you want to get back to work, so you're torn in several directions - but remember - faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. heb 11:1. keep the faith! but don't forget it's our job - friends and family - to back you up and help you when you need it. please let us know what you need - on those days we're (I'm)focused too much on ourselves (myself)!
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