June 10, 2007

11:30 A.M.
Well another week here and gone, I've been calling every night on Stacey they are saying she is doing really well, she is starting to use a spoon when she eats and is starting to talk a little more to them, they say she is doing well with pt, and ot and speech, they say she has her stubborn days but all and all she has been doing really good, they are still having toilet training problems but they are still continuing to keep it up. I called the other night and just about got her to talk to me but she wouldn't. I guess if I was in her shoes I wouldn't want to talk to me either. I am eager for the 28th to get her it has been so hard not being able to go see her, but the thing that I am worried about is when I do go get her on the 28th if it will be hard on both of us when I take her back on the 29th. But I know it's for her best hopefully she will think the same. I will be getting a call Tuesday to inform me more on how she is doing and how long they think she will get to stay for, so I will update you on the next blog, Thank You again for every one's continuous prayers for us. God Bless.
Hang in there !! I am sure it is so hard not having her at home every day, but it sounds like this is a real positive step in her getting the therapy she needs to help her keep moving forward. We are all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers !! :)
I don't know Stacey personally, but I just wanted to let you know that her and your family are in my prayers every night.
--A friend of Adam's
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