April 30, 2007

7:30 A.M.
Well another long week, we are still having problems with Stacey's transportation, I am not really for sure what the problem with them is, but it is really getting old. They did not pick her up Friday night so I went up to go get her she didn't get home until 8 p.m. it was a long day but I don't think I can say I have ever seen her so happy to see me when I went to go pick her up, it was nice to see that I am still loved or missed or what ever it was. They are going to do some experimenting on her as far as giving her something to relax today, they are going to take cast impressions of her legs for braces for her legs and feet, they say she has alot of pulling different directions when she stands, but they said it is just from her not being on her feet for this long. But since they have had so much problems in the past of getting her to relax with the medicines having an opposite affect on her, so that is why they are going to try to see what they can find to relax her so it works Wednesday when they do the casting. But as far as today they say they are going to take advantage of the time, they were going to bring someone in to do her hair, get it cut and straighten and they said maybe some coloring also they was going to fix her up like she looked in all her pictures. They also are going to use Stacey's pictures that they take today for advertisement for Raken, I told them she would love that, I know before this accident she did everything to be noticed, and I know this would be right up her alley, even if she doesn't realize it now, I know later it will be a another great achievement for her. Last week was still a long road for Raken with Stacey, but Friday she started doing more for them in all she accomplishments she did 90% of everything they ask of her so I am hoping she is starting to open up. We go on the 9th for an overall view of what they think of her and maybe how long they will need to work with her. Still working on finding a dentist for her and a pedi pysho for her meds hopefully this week we will get more info. Well I guess that is it for now, Thank You to all who took time to come see Stacey this weekend, and also a big THANKS for everyone keeping Stacey in there prayers. Until the next update, God Bless. I am putting a picture of Stacey with her brothers I finally got everyone to stay home long enough for a picture.
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