November 3, 2008

7:15 A.M.
Well another week hear and gone they took the ultra sound but only took a look at her gallbladder I asked if they would look down lower where she was having the pain but he said he can only look where the doctor ordered, which the results came back ok on her gallbladder not for sure what he is going to do about the actual area where she is having pain, but that is another time and more money spent! I was wrong about this weekend being the ride-a-thon it is this coming up weekend the 8th for Stacey, which was really good because with Halloween and the twins birthday party Sunday it just would have been to much. Friday night Stacey gave out candy to all who stoped by she had fun giving it put plus eating it to! And yesterday we had a good time at the twins birthday party I can not believe my grand babies are a year old already. I feel bad a times because I am not there more and I can not give them alot of things right now, but maybe in the future when Stacey gets better I can be there and spend more time. All and all another good week Stacey is still having some outburst but the doctor up the dosage on the meds again I really am thinking it has to do with that but we will see! Thanks for every one's continuous support and all there prayers. God Bless! The pictures are of Stacey handing out candy on Halloween and at the twins birthday party, hope you enjoy! Sorry about the dates I still say the camera is mental, I always set the date and it makes up its own dates, then again it could just be me, that would be a better guess! Ha HA!
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