August 2, 2008

4:30 P.M.
Well I went down last weekend and I am glad I did, it was a very long and disappointing weekend in so many words. I failed again to get her into the right place. Stacey was very sore form not being cleaned correctly and currently has sores but they have been able to locate a bathtub to were they can get her to soak to help clear them up! But again it is hard to work with Stacey when it comes time to clean her especially with the diarrhea that she has been having. And I was disappointed because they did not follow my directions in not letting her sit her in the wheelchair so she has not been very helpful when it comes to walking in fact she refuses, they have rules I know, but I guess I should have checked better, well I did but the Doctor said she was mislead because what she was doing during the office visit and what she is not doing now, and she was very violent and combative, but I said I would be to if my bottom was sore and them trying to clean with the sores and all. But all and all I guess I will take the shoot for this one, I should have asked more questions and made sure everyone understood exactly what I wanted so this time it is my fault. But if nothing else they are doing all the test that I asked for and they are finding alot out some I don't really think I was ready for there answers to my questions and I will have to be making some difficult decisions but until I let everyone know I will need to talk more with the Nero Surgeon before I say more so I can get my facts straight, and to the other Doctors about everything else. In the mean time I ask again for extra prayers for me to have the strength to make all the decisions I need and to be strong when I bring her home because it is going to be a struggle with her to get her back to where she needs to be or were she was for a little while. So please again say some extra prayers for me that I can continue to keep the pace up with her and myself, because this was our last Rehab. there will be no others after this one.I will try and get back on to update next week that is if I know more. So thank you to all who continue to check in on me and for the continuous prayers they are much needed, may God Bless all of you as you have us. Pictures are from the week before she went into Rehab.
kim - wow! you've pretty much just taken the blame for everything that ever happened right there - my goodness!!
Maybe I've set you on a pedestal - I don't mean to - but I admire how devoted and patient you've been with Stacy. But I want to remind of something you know - that's always right in front of you - to never let yourself forget that Stacy being difficult right now - and you've shared so much with us - her stubborness and difficult behavior traits that's sometimes so hard to deal with are probably the personality traits that kept her alive. she's stubborn and she's a fighter. the doctors are seeing it as disruptive and im sure it is - and in your house when you're trying to get her to be co-operative it would try the patience of Job...except that Job lost all of his children. they all died. your child was too stubborn to die. and that stubborness must be frustrating to deal with deal with - when you sit down exhausted with tears in you eyes at the end of the day and ask God how you're going to go on - you can thank him for it in the next breath - because God gave you a fighter. Remember at the lady's conference when I shared about about Luke 22:40-43 - when Jesus went to the garden to pray - He knew he was going to be crucified - he was sorrowful and asked God to let the cup pass from him - but then said 'not my will but Thy will'. (and this is my favorite part) vs 43. "and there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him."
you asked us to pray for you and we will - and as you pray for God's will expect that he will send angels to strengthen you. love you. debbie p.
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