March 4, 2007

1:30 P.M.
This week has been a really good week for Stacey, she has had her moments but really she has made more improvements. She has had lots of friends come by from Washington to see her bringing her flowers and just visiting. One of her friends Molly and Heather stopped by which are usual visitors, Stacey takes real well with them, last week when Molly was here is when Stacey started saying she was thirsty, this week she has been admiring Molly's class ring this time she actually took it off Molly's finger and put it on hers. Heather put her bracelet on her and she was pretty happy with all of it. This week for Mrs. Melony she written her whole name it was all over the page but she did the whole name she also spelled the F word, but we will take it. We finally got our appointment for the MRI it will be done March 21, this will be a busy Month for us but hopefully with all your prayers we will get a lot done. March 14 Th we go for the Neropyscologist for her evaluation to see if she is up to par for Rehab. March 19Th we go see the doctor to see if the Neropyscologist gave us the thumbs up for Rehab and when we can start, and then March 21st for the MRI to see how everything is healing. and make sure nothing else is going on or that shouldn't be there. So please keep saying your prayers for us, she is continuing to make improvements, thanks to all of your prayers and the continuous support of her friends and Mrs. Melony. Also Friday night I took Stacey out for a drive we went over to Sullivan to see my sister, she has not been able to get out because of a bad knee so we went over there and she did real good, she stayed calm and even set up straight in the seat, I was really proud of her. But I know it did her good to, just being in the house all the time, she was never one to sit still long especially in the house she was always on the go. Stacey's oldest brother will be coming home March 26Th so I will have more help, I can't wait and neither can he. He has not been able to see her since all of this happened so he is glad to be coming home to see her and help out where it is needed. Thank You for all your prayers and support. God Bless.
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