6:30 P.M.
Well not much to say again tonight, Stacey is still some what in the calm stage that she has been in for the last few days, she was a little agitated again tonight but I think she was ready for bed. Oh Ray got her to stand last night she grabbed hold of him and before he could position himself like usual she stood up it wasn't but a second but she did it on her own which is a very good sign on her part, I think she may be trying to come back around to us and realizing that this is what she needs to do. At least I am hoping so. I will be running out of pictures soon so if anyone has any that they would like to have posted on here sent to me a kimmyjr39@yahoo.com and I will get them on until the 6th. God Bless and Thank You.
Yay... I'm happy. By the way, are all of the guys in these photos her boyfriends?? She's had a lot of boyfriends...
Past boyfriends*
Jeff these are only friends there was only two that she gave her heart to, and they both let her down, so from then on she hung out with them but as far going out with them she treasured there friendship more than losing than by going out with them. Some had alot of problems with this but they respected it in a way.
Jeff thanks for all your concerns and just commenting hopefully soon we can come down to see everyone tell your brother will call soon just have alot on my plate right now. Thanks Kim
Alright. I don't know if I told you this before, but I was thinking about coming down again. I don't know when though. I wanted to wait until she was in the calm stage. Glad to hear about the boyfriends though. haha
Jeff yes it would be nice to see you again, hopefully soon Stacey will be doing better than usual. We will see on Jan. 15 that is when she goes back to doctors to be revalued. Hopefully maybe some other meds to help her move along alittle faster. But we will see. It seems like she is improving some, she seems to be helping a little more, instead of fighting us all the time, which is good for us. Until later.
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