8:30 P.M.
Well today was another good day she was a little agitated at times but she had a lot of visitors today so that may of had something to do with it. I would like to thank all who stopped by to give Stacey gift cards for her Christmas I know it's not what you would regularly give her, but this way we can get what she needs, plus I may try to keep a lot of them until she gets better so she can go shopping for herself, I know this will help her out in her recovery if she can so shopping like she did before. I would like to Thank everyone for all there support threw all of this with Stacey, I can not every Thank everyone enough for all your continuous support, and all your prayers. I know with all of you and your prayers it has made things a little easier here for all of us. I again would like to remind everyone to make sure especially this time of the year to make sure you cherish every moment of all of your loved ones, make sure you give extra hugs and make sure you tell people you love and care about how you feel, because you never now when or if you will get another chance to tell that person how you feel so make sure you take every opportunity you can for this. Thank You again and God Bless.
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