7:00 P.M.
Well another day gone, Stacey was still pretty good for me today, she even tried to help me put her pants on this morning. Stacey also ate really good today . Tonight she was a little cranky but we layed her down and she calmed right down. So thats all for this evening untill later, I may try and update every other day since there isn't to much change in her right now unless something new happens, so I will update on the 4th. Thank You and God Bless.
Forget what I said that one day. Right now it seems like a pretty stupid thought and a little redundant to this now. But I don't know if you know what the stages are to a coma, I just found them on the internet, here they are if you don't know them -
Level 1
No Response
Total Assistance
Level 2
Generalized Response
Total Assistance
Level 3
Localized Response
Total Assistance
Level 4
Maximal Assistance
Level 5
Maximal Assistance
Level 6
Moderate Assistance
Level 7
Minimal Assistance
Level 8
Purposeful and Appropriate
Stand-by Assistance
Level 9
Purposeful and Appropriate
Stand-by Assistance on Request
Level 10
Purposeful and Appropriate
Modified Independent
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