10:00 P.M.
Sorry to everyone for the last few nights, they have been such long days, Stacey has still be in and out of her moods. I got a phone call the other night from a friend that I made up at St Johns, her son was in there for a head trauma also put she just got back not to long ago from Illinois and brought her son home. She had called me to let me know that when they had returned from the rehabs that they were in that they are to go back to the Doctor's from St Johns which I didn't know, she had told me that they but her son on better medicine that what the old rehab center had him on, and her son is actually starting to respond more than what he did from meds at the other place. And they actually have him in a day rehab up there. So I called today and made an appointment actually two of them, I sit them up for the 15th of January, so I am hoping that they will have some better insight on other medicines for her. I know that she still is not ready for a Day Rehab, but with maybe different medicine it will not be long before she is ready. The 15th of January will mark her 5 months mark, I am hoping they will have something for her. So that is all for this evening. Thank You and God Bless.
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