11:30 P.M.
I am really sorry this is late tonight it has been a long day. Stacey was really good yesterday, we gave her a bath last night, afterwards we blowdryed her hair, when I walked in the room with it she said DRYER and I said yes that's right blow dryer. Then we laid her down and she let me cut and file her nails and was really calm, she didn't even try to pull away or anything. But she didn't ever go to sleep until about 2 A.M. at the end she was getting really upset, but I finally got her to relax enough that she went to sleep. Today was mixed, I think it was from her being up late, tonight I thought we were going to have another night but she has finally gone to sleep. The school here in New Haven is going to start working with Stacey as far as speech and OT, some of them are teachers she has had before, and they are some of her favorite teachers, so I am hoping she remembers them, and still feels a bond like she did before. I am really excited about Monday when we take her to the Doctors in St. Louis I am really hoping they give us a good report on her. Well I guess that is all for tonight, I better get to bed she will be up early in the morning. Thank You and God Bless. Tonights picture is to remind us how far she has come, its slow but she is improving little bit every day.
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