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******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sept. 7, 2006

11:30 A.M. This morning everything is about the same, they checked her chest tube and pulled it down a ways to her lower part of her lung to drain some more of fluid that is still in there. No room yet they say it may be awhile, they do to not enough rooms for all of the head traumas. The doctors are still not giving me in answers about when she may wake up they say they are not sure even if they take hundreds of CAT scan they are not able to tell it is left up to her. Which I really can not understand. With all of our tech. Today you would think they could tell me something. But I guess this is were having patience is a virtue. God Bless. Will try and write more later. 8:00 P.M. This afternoon Stacey took a step backwards, her blood pressure and respiration went up following a fever that are still trying to break. After three pain meds they have finally lowered her blood pressure, but it looks like we are in for a long night, they have taken some blood to kinda see what may be going on. I got to meet one of the rehab doctors tonight they are saying that instead of moving her to step-down they are going to move her to rehab. Which is the next step from the step-down unit, which I think is a good thing, they said they really need to start working with her to get her woke up, no more laying still they are really going to start up on poking and prodding her to get her to respond this works. But they say it will be a while they are still waiting on beds to open up.


At 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right in that patience is a virtue. We continue to pray for you and your family. Be strong. If there is anything I can do for you here in town or anywhere just let me know. I continue to get positive feedback on the benefit ride for Stacey. I will contact you closer to the date about getting you the money we raise to you. We intend to possibly meet you at a local restraunt close to you if that is ok, to present you with the money that day. Wishing we could do more, May God Bless,

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

I am so sorry about the setback; I really think they need to do a catscan of her whole body to see what in the hell is going on!!! A fever means a site of infection exists and they will not know how to deal with it until they find it; have they done one yet? You talked about catscan yesterday or the day before and they were pooh poohing it to you but they need to check her out thoroughally and if that is the most thorough way to look inside of her ( and there may be a better test but I don't know) then they need to do it!!!! I really want to get there this week yet; may try to come after work today but that will be at around 8:00 pm so I hope you are still there. Hugs, Donna


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