***WELCOME TO RAYS PAGE***Stacy's Progress***

******** STACEY IS HOME !! '*************** CAUSE THE SCRIPTURES TELL ME IN,,Rom 8:31 What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? NIV

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sept. 6, 2006

6 P.M. I'm sorry it took me so long to give a report but I wanted to wait to see how things turned out. Well as of today Stacey is off all tubes and IV's she still has her trek in but she is officially breathing on her own also took all pain medication away from her. She only has a feeding tube in and they are getting ready to take out the chest tubes also. All vitals look good,at times she has gotten a little restless, but they say she is still having some pain but they are wanting her to fell it. Stacey has made movements and is able to open her eyes, to me this was a very good thing and to anyone else it is, but the doctors are telling me not to get excited because she is not really awake, even tho she lookes like she trying to talk or looking at U. Doctors say there is still no response from her to make them believe that she has come out of this. But I know she will surprise them like she has so many times before. They are going to move her to step-down icu as soon as a room opens up, they say they have done all they can do for her in critical icu. I have received a lot of calls and emails to see if they can come and see Stacey when she moves to step-down, and I know everyone is excited to see her, but for right now until she actually wakes up I still ask everyone be patient because when Stacey wakes up I'm sure she is going to want everyone to come up and see her then. Thank you to everyone for everything and hopfully next few days we will have better news. God Bless


At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm glad to hear how well stacey's doing. i wish i could make it up to see her, but it's gonna be a little while longer before i can leave. but if she wakes up soon and not up to talking on the phone, if you could show her this i would appreciate it a lot.

you have no idea how much i care for you and i'm so sorry for everything that happened. i know that it might be awhile before you read this, but the second i'm released from the hospital i'll be there by your side. i'm pulling and praying for you. you know that i'll always be there for you. we can get through this together. and once this is all over, we'll go and get some ice cream.

love ya,

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am soglad to hear that Stavey is doing so much better. I knew that god would help get her out of this. Stacey you hang in there we are all still praying for you. Hope to see you soon. God Bless.

Jamie Williams


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