June 1, 2008

11:15 P.M.
Well I can't believe we are already in June it seems like last month just flew by, it seems like they fly by faster and faster each month. Stacey finally finished up her first session of horse riding for the year, she starts up her second session on June 12, she is doing so good I can not believe how much better she has been doing since she has started riding out there, of course alot of things have been clicking here lately with her even at school she has started to improve. I have made an appointment with Rusk Rehabilitation center for June 23 to have her evaluated to be an inpatient for the month of July to keep up with her OT, PT and Speech plus Rusk has so many courses for head trauma's and I am hoping that they can answer alot of questions or finding out the answers to all of our questions. Rusk is a really good facility from what I hear, of course I have said that about alot of facility's that she has been in, but I am hoping this is as good as I have heard, sometimes I question myself on doing these things like taking her to these places because I usually get disappointed every time and even tho that she is more aware of things I am not sure how she will handle me taking her there and leaving her. But I now that she is more aware of her surrounding I need to keep pushing her with all the progress she has made I can not let a bit of it slide now, plus I am hoping that Rusk will improve some things working with her.
Stacey will be 18 on June 27Th I can not believe my baby is an adult well kinda of, I have asked if she wants a big Birthday party with all her friends but I never get any answer to the friends part, all I get is she wants a really big Ice Cream Cake from Dairy Queen so I don't know if I will have a birthday party for her for anyone more than just us the family, we will see. So this will be another interesting Month hopefully it will fly by like the last few, and hopefully July will bring us alot of hopes and possibilities to all our prayers. Thank you again for all your support and your prayers. May God bless your family as all of you have us with all your kindness.
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