5:00 P.M.
Well the last few days have been very strange yesterday she was basically calm, one of the teachers came yesterday and was reading to her, she stayed pretty calm until the end she started raising her voice, but she went back to being calm. We laid her down after a shower which went good also, but she woke up a couple ours later screaming, I tried to calm her down but she was not going for it. I'm not sure but I think she may be having bad dreams just how she wakes up and is just so upset, but I'm not sure. Today she has been really calm not even so much as a word out of her all day, she felt like she was running a fever earlier but she wasn't. Not sure how to take her being so quiet she acts like she doesn't feel good, but I just can't tell what's going on, this is the only thing I hate about all of this, I can't tell what's going on with her if she is in pain or hurting or anything and she can't tell me either so I just have to guess, and I really hate doing that, but we finally got a new appointment sit up for her in St.Louis for Tuesday the 23rd so I am really hoping we will be able to make this one, so until Friday. Thank You and God Bless.
Maybe she was having bad dreams about the accident. Maybe its coming back to her? :\
Jeff hey whats going on? Yea I think it may be something like that, I think that is the only thing it could be, because she wakes up so upset.
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