Jan. 24, 2007

7:00 P.M.
Well we made it to our last appointment just in time to make more doctors app. The Doctor we seen today gave her more medicine some she already had and just went up on the dosage and two new ones, I really think its to much medicine, but the doctor said we have to get the mood swings under control, because it is not good for her to be up and down like that. So he is hoping the medicine will even her out, to make her more calm and more aware of her surroundings. They took some blood work today it took six people to hold her down to get her to hold still long enough to get the vein, they had to stick her three times because she wouldn't hold still so they keep losing the veins, of course I can't sit still threw those needle sticks either. Ray unfortunately got the worst she bit him threw his coat, and still left a good mark. Stacey was pretty good threw all of it except she really wouldn't let the doctors examine her, she pretty well let them know who was running the show and it was her. But after we left she calmed down and back to her calm self at least until we went to go get the blood drawn. It was really weird but she wouldn't let me go today unusual from the last two days, I guess she knew I wanted this day to go good because it decided weather she would get to go to a day rehab. or not and maybe she thought I was going to leave her there. On that note we need to get her evaluated by someone that is in the field to make the decision, need to call tomorrow to set up the app. But with her still on the wild side I think we blew our chance for the day-rehab. but I guess a few more tests and few more doctors app. we will get our answer. The only thing I regret about all of this is with all the mood swings and the new changes we have lost the one thing I loved the most was her smiling, we have not been able to get her to smile for us or the camera for the past three weeks, but I guess it's only faze so hopefully it will come back. But that's all for now the picture is of Stacey tonight I made one last attempt to get her to smile but I didn't get one. So until Friday Thank You and God Bless.
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