7:30 P.M.
I am really sorry again for not updating last night it was a very long day yesterday and I had completely forgot about the blog. Yesterday we had to give her another bath due to, well lets but it like this she was needing another bath, and she did not appreciate it, she bit me on my arm and she got a very good bite this time plus a few scratches and four bruised fingers, I'm still trying to figure that one out. But towards the evening she had visitors again so she was pretty well content about that. Today she had a few visitors bringing some things buy for her, the was long, but we got threw the day with her, this evening Ray was trying to make her take the ball and throw it but it took an hour and she finally did a semi throw so we left her go for the evening. Tomorrow she has a Doctors visit so hopefully we will be able to get in and out earlier than usual, so for tonight that is all until tomorrow oh also a lot of people have asked what they can get for Stacey for x-mas and me and Ray has talked it over and right now Stacey is not needing any clothes because she has to wear sweatpants if you want you can just maybe get a gift card from Wal-Marts or something like that and when she does need things we can go get it for her or you can just wait until she's better and take her out or something, but for right now we really can't think of anything she can use, but we appreciate all of your thoughts of her at this time of the year. Thank You and God Bless.
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