8:00 P.M.
Well another week here and gone, Stacey didn't sleep good last night she slept for an hour and was awake for an hour and so on, today she took a knapp from 12-3 and she was not ready to get up. She was very agitated until friends came over to visit then she settled down some. We gave her a bath tonight while she was relaxed we still had a time with her but it wasn't as bad as last week when we gave her one, we haven't got our shower chair in yet so I've been given bed baths to her which I really don't like but it's really hard to get in the bathroom with her so it makes things really dangerous for us and her but we do our best until our things arrive.
We also got her up tonight and had her take some steps for us it was still a little odd for her but considering the last four months of not taking steps she did really good, so it's something we will continue to work on. So for this evening that is all until tomorrow. Thank You and God Bless
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