11:00 P.M.
Sorry this was late tonight had some things needing my attention before I went to bed, try to keep caught up as much as possible. Stacey was in and out today, she had a lot of visitors, some she did good with and others unfortunately got to see her fall asleep, but all and all she seemed to have another good day. Tonight she seemed extra hungry I guess I was not feeding it to her fast enough so she started grabbing my hand and bringing the spoon, actually putting it in her mouth. Ray got her to start drinking the sippy cup by her self tonight he still had to work with as far as helping her with her hand position but as soon as it hit her mouth she was off and running as far as drinking on her own, but then she would throw it on the floor, but there was some improvements in her, we will just need to keep working with her. Again not much to say tonight except please keep us in your prayers. Thank You and God Bless.
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