8:00 P.M.
Well another day, Stacey seems to be withdrawing, we think it is due to a medicine that we are having problems getting, this is a medicine that the doctor has to get approve from Medicaid to pay for, and it seems that they are taking there time to get approved. This medicine is one that actually stimulated her mind and keeps her awake and alert, but the last few days we have been seeing her decline, I thought maybe she was calming down but we realized it was the medicine. It seems like she is really tired and it has at least today been hard to keep her awake. We gave her a bath tonight thanks to Ray helping, we still haven't received our shower chair so it was a little difficult to get her in and out, but Ray did a good job he just picked her up all three times, of course he has been helping out at night of just picking her up and putting her in bed. Even tho she tries to fight, I know it is easier on her to be cradled when being picked up then us pulling on her under her arms, especially since her collar bone is still fractured. Well not to much more to say this evening so I'm going to but another picture from the other night on her until tomorrow, we have a few of her friends coming over, so will take more pictures then and put on blog. If any one needs to get a hold of me my cell is on the fritz for a few days so just give me a call on the house phone 573-237-2170 about visiting or just about Stacey. Thank You All and God Bless.
stacey is doing so great im so happy she is smiling and evry thing!!! thats nite was so over whelming will happy/funny/and sad emotions but all in all that nite was hilarous!!! bye heather whitaker
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