November 10, 2007

7:45 P.M.
Well I am able to start the blog early this week, and what a week it has been! As of Monday night or I guess Tuesday Morning I became a grandma twin baby girls and Stacey became an Aunt, they are small but they are doing good, so is there mom, I was able to be there when they was born, but I was not able to go in to delivery, but I did get to see them afterwards. Me and Stacey went up Wednesday evening to see them, and Stacey was glad to see them but she was hesitate to touch them, the first was born at 12:59 A.M. and her name is Chesni and the second was born at 1:00 A.M. and her name is Twani. They will be in the hospital for awhile because they were two months early but if they keep doing as good as they are it won't be no time and they will be coming home. I can't wait. Stacey also is doing good the medicine we are not sure if it is working yet, one day she will do good with the shakes and the next she is back at it so I will need to call the Doctor Monday to see if he wants to keep her on it. Thursday Stacey got her picture taken with Paula from the New Haven Saddle Club giving her the trophy that she got for raising the most money hopefully next year with every one's help we can raise more for them. But the picture will be in the New Haven Newspaper next week, but I will have the picture on here tonight for you, I finally with Ray's help was able to get the pictures to download so I added more on all the blogs I missed so if you scroll down you will see more pictures. Well I guess that is all for tonight thank you for all your prayers but I will need to ask for extras again tonight for Ray Sr (this is ray's father) after his surgery last Thursday they took more test and found out that he has cancer in both lungs, if you can please say extra prayers for him and the family all is going threw a very hard time now and prayers would greatly be appreciate. The pictures tonight are Stacey receiving her trophy and the other is with her niece Twani, we was not able to take one with Chesni because there was no room next to her bed to take one but it will give you a clue of how small they are please excuse the date on picture the camera likes to reset my date for me. Thank You and God Bless.
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